Mẫu thiết kế web Centindu Portfolio & Shop WordPress Theme

Version 2.3 (06.09.2014)

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Version 2.3 (06.09.2014)

 * Revolution Slider updated to the latest version (4.6.0) 

Important! Backup your site contents and theme options before upgrading.

Centindu is a business, portfolio and eCommerce theme built on WordPress and powered by WooCommerce shop plugin. The theme design is compact and simple with modules specially created to present your company, portfolio or shop with great ease. The primary colors used are blue and grey specially chosen because of their visual influence on the user and their contribution to a better browsing and shopping experience.

The theme is completely responsive and optimized for mobile devices. Tested on all major devices (iPhone, iPad, Android). To test it please resize your browser. Note: if the carousel items don’t resize fully please refresh your browser.


the great slideshow plugin with a separate value of $15) Each slider has its own set of features and can be customized in the theme control panel. You can select the slider animation, caption, external link, choose how many posts to display, choose to enable/disable the autostart feature and much more.


Courtesy of Ed McGowan
Frameworks and Scripts
Courtesy of Aleksandr Kyryliuk
 Version 2.3 (06.09.2014) ---------------------------------- * Revolution Slider updated to the latest version (4.6.0)  Version 2.2 (30.04.2014) ---------------------------------- * Fixed WooCommerce errors * Fixed errors at theme activation  Version 2.0 (03.01.2014) ---------------------------------- * Fixed admin panel errors in wp3.8  Version 1.9 (14.12.2013) ---------------------------------- * Fixed portfolio single page  Version 1.8 (25.11.2013) ---------------------------------- * Revolution Slider updated * Theme options updated (core update) * Twitter module fixed  Version 1.7 (01.10.2013) ---------------------------------- * Revolution Slider updated (WPML support added)  Version 1.6 (08.09.2013) ---------------------------------- * Fix for product tags breadcrumbs (file modified - functions.php) * Fix for contact widget fields not being able to translate (file modified - widgets.php and centindu.po) * Fix for product page not being responsive on full width (file modified - responsive.css)  Version 1.5 (24.08.2013) ---------------------------------- * Cart page in responsive mode - fixed * Product box Add to cart overlap in responsive mode - fixed * Added option to disable breadcrumbs on products * Added option for external link on portfolio item * Added more services icons  Version 1.4 (15.08.2013) ---------------------------------- * Page builder fixed (duplicate plugins) * Revolution slider updated  Version 1.3 (13.08.2013) ---------------------------------- * Page builder updated for WP 3.6 * Revolution slider updated  Version 1.2 (01.08.2013) ---------------------------------- * Filterable portfolio feature in shortcode and page builder * Logo not displaying in Safari and mobile - fixed * Options added for logo to resize when the header is resized on page scroll * Line height for header social icons when the search form or language box is displayed - fixed  Version 1.1 (16.07.2013) ---------------------------------- * Slogan background option added * Search option in the header added * Custom CSS box added * WPML support added * Services featured image added * Project button fixed * Responsive off mode fixed  Version 1.0 ------------------ * Initial release 
Cumico Theme Abanix Theme Cherry Theme


Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/centindu-portfolio-shop-wordpress-theme/5017521?WT.oss_phrase=influence&WT.oss_...
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