Mẫu thiết kế web Delericon Business/Portfolio Template Wordpress

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HTML Version Available Here

Update February 17th: Version 1.2 released! Now with Multiple portfolio pages and enhanced performance! Caution when updating from version 1.0 or 1.1: Because I reworked the custom admin panel, you risk to lost those options when updating. Back up those options before updating! I also changed the way portfolio posts work. You now have to enter an excerpt to appear under the thumbnail. Thank you!

Update December 26th: dropdown menu support!

This template can be used for a business, company, blog, portfolio, or freelancer portfolio website. Within mere minutes you can adjust it to your own needs.

Font used:
Lucida Grande/Sans Unicode – standard font
Geo Sans Light - Used in the Logo


All elements in this file are created by myself. Images are from the Envato Assets lirary.

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Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/delericon-businessportfolio-template-wordpress/76635?WT.oss_phrase=flash%20ligh...
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