Đóng góp: (郑)[白]大家一 来拍拍手,好 ?
(梁)离开这 刻感觉不会忘
朋友抱拥告 明天各自远飞
难得并没伤感 依依不舍顾虑
重拾昨天乐趣 堆
(郑)曾经 while rhe blossoms still cling to the vine
i'll taste your strawberries
i'll drink your sweet wine
a million tomorrows shall all pass away
are we forget all the joy
that is ours today
(郑)别了 然相信以后有 再聚
未曾重 以前要珍惜爱 自己
在最好时 刻分离不要流 泪