Sunny Cold Day

Đóng góp: English Translation:
Since it became cold, so the wind is cold
I am blowing the breath out, standing idly
I thought it would be fine even though you leave me
Soon the tears are coming down like snow
I really didn’t know it will be like this

Since it became cold, I miss your warm touch
Since it became cold, your breath that unfroze my hands
I thought it would be warm even though you leave me

Since we broke up, broke up
I miss you more

When I got home, the cold wind blows
When I got into the room, there only is the pretty blanket that covered us
We were warm when we were with each other
Soon the heart cools down
My whole body is freezing up

Since it became cold, I miss your warm touch
Since it became cold, your breath that unfroze my hands
I thought it would be warm even though you leave me
Since we broke up, broke up

I will be happy if you could hold my hands warmly
Can’t you come to my side warm, please?
I am freezing up, I am waiting for only you
Since it got colder, colder
I miss you more

I miss you so much

Chu wojini seuchineun barami chaneyo
Udukeoni ipgimman naeppumgo inneyo
Gwaenchanheul jul arasseo niga nal tteonanda haedo
Eoneusae nunmuri nuncheoreom naeryeowa
Jeongmal ireol jul mollasseo

Chuwojini ttatteutaetdeon ne songiri geuripda
Chuwojini nae son nogyeojudeon neoui ipgimi
Ttatteutal jul arasseo niga nal tteonanda haedo

Ireoke heeojini heeojini
Niga deo geuripda

Jibe oni chagaun barami buneyo
Bange oni uril gamssajudeon yeppeun damyoman
Urin ttatteutaenneunde seoro gyeoteman isseumyeon
Eoneusae gaseumi chagapge sigeoga
Onmomi eoreo buteowa

Chuwojini ttatteutaetdeon ne songiri geuripda
Chuwojini nae son nogyeojudeon neoui ipgimi
Ttatteutal jul arasseo niga nal tteonanda haedo
Ireoke heeojini heeojini

Ttatteutag e nae son jabajumyeon haengbokhal tende
Ttatteutage jebal nae gyeoteuro wajumyeon andwae?
Eoreobutgo inneunde nan neoman gidarineunde
Oneuldo chuwojini chuwojini
Niga deo geuripda

Neomuna geuripda

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