Carcass Embryonic Necropsy And Devourment (Symphonies Of Sickness Demo)

Đóng góp: ...Aborted gestation...foetal mutilation...
...Ab ortive secretions...embryon ic fermentation...

Y our crotch spawning afterbirth
A congealing sprog basted in cess
Palpitations spew a foetus
Sprawling in this mess...
Flowing lochial discharge
Of copious womb lining torn
The mutilated still-born mangled
By the whiplashing umbilical cord...

Mixing together post-natal juices
The dead infant used as stock
Slurping this horrendous concoction
Eat the cervical slop...
Lading our aborted derbis
Oozing guts chomped in your maw
The caesating premature baby
Nurtured in post-partum gore...

Suck cess on a plate. lick its pus from a spoon
Gnaw at rashes on a dish, munch on the expelled womb...

Its testicles incised - the foetus liquidized
Whick the parasite - the gross remains baptized...

Stagn ant placenta and smelly fluids
The stiffening dead babe's crib
Disembowelling and gutting

Grating bone and rib
Fragile limbs pulverised
Dismembe rment is so cruel
Soggy organs and paturient broth
Give piquance to this sickly gruel...

Mixing together post-natal juices
The dead infant used as stock
Slurping this horrendous concoction
Eat the cervical slop...
Lading our aborted derbis
Oozing guts chomped in your maw
The caesating premature baby
Nurtured in post-partum gore...

Drink bile from a cup, gulp its phlegm from a pot
Eat mucus on a saucer, choke on embryonic clots...
(Pasteuris ed foetus goulash)

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