Yoko Kanno Encore un Verre

Đóng góp: Encore un verre, cette fois sera la derniere
Tchin Tchin ! camp�, Kampai ! Sant� !
Ma m�re disait "qui a bu boira"
Bien qu'avis�, j'suis viss� la
Another glass, this time will be the last
Chink chink! Set down, Kampai health!
My mother said "who has drunk will drink"
Even though advised, I am screwed[1] there.
Ce soir je broie du noir
Je noie au bar,
En vrac, mon blues dans du cognac
Encore un verre, le der des der d�salt�re
This night I mope
I drown at the bar,
My jumbled blues in cognac
Another glass, the last of the last[2] refreshes
"Bien mal acquis ne profite jamais"
Mais ce whiskey je l'ai pas vol�
C'est c'que dit la serveuse, une allumeuse
Qui tient la bouteille dans sa main
Je l�ve mon verre � ceux qui marchent de travers
"Poorly gained never profits"
But I have not stolen this whiskey
That's what the waitress said, a teaser
Who holds the bottle in her hand
I lift my glass at those who walk askew
"Un tiens vaut mieux que deux tu l'auras"
"Qui s�me le vent r�cole la temp�te"
"Carpe Diem"
"Un homme averti en vaut deux"
"One had is better than two you will have"
"Who sows the wind gathers the storm"
"Sieze the day"
Nguồn: mp3.zing.vn/bai-hat/Encore-un-Verre-Yoko-Kanno/ZWZBAE70.html

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