Epik High Heaven

Đóng góp: 그대는 너무나 아름다워, 내게
you're so beautiful,
쓰러지는 머리를 받쳐주는 손베개
lending your hand to support my falling head
세상 단 하나뿐인 진실, 고백해
the only truth in the world, I'm confessing
내 맘의 공백엔 노래와 그대만 존재해
only music and you exist in the blank space of my heart
때로는 질투해 모두가 때를 쓰곤해
sometimes they become jealous, everybody just whines
우리는 사람들 손에 눈물의 댐을 풀곤해
on people's hands we build a dam for the tears
하지만 숭고해 우리가 중요해
but we're dignified, we are important
그 어떤 말 보다도 사랑을 충고해
more than any other words, we suggest love
하루가 다르게 다 바뀐다지만
although they say everything can change after a night
너와 나만은 항상 아침 다시 밤
but us it's always the morning then night
같은 길 가 시련의 가시밭,
we walk the same road, thorns of ordeal
토성의 고리처럼 붙어 같이 하길
may we be together eternally like the rings of Saturn
난 두손을 모아, 아름다운 조화
I put my hands together, a beautiful harmony
한 폭을 도화지에 그려넣고서는 졸아
I doze off after drawing a sketch on a paper
깨어나 다시봐도 죽지 않는 조화
a harmony that doesn't disappear even when I look at it after waking up
우리는 그렇게 영원속에 녹아
like that we melt in eternity

No place to go no place to go
No place to go no place to go
No place to go no place to go
We've got no place to go no place to go
No place to go no place to go
No place to go no place to go

때론 다수의 꿈에 눈멀어 목숨을 걸어
sometimes I go blind with the dreams of majority, I bet my life
돈은 돈을 벌어, 그 순간 내 혼은 손을 버려 녹이 슬어
money earns money, at that moment my soul abandons my hands, it rusts
But, 쓰러지는 날 일으키는 힘 It's the music
but, the power that lifts me up, it's the music
웃으면서 등 뒤에 지는 짐
the burden that I put on my back while smiling
And it's you girl 내 음악에 의미를 줘
and it's you girl, you give reasons to my music
완벽한 peace, 시계안에 시간이 서
perfect peace, the time stands in the clock
In this cold world, 매 순간에 위안을 줘
in this cold world, gives comfort every moment
난 너란 BPM안에 심장이 뛰어
In the BPM called you, my heart beats
Cuz you're my heaven 신이 맺은 운명의 선
Cuz you're my heaven the line of faith that God has connected
나만의 구원인게 분명해 넌 절대 부정해선 안돼
you must be my only savior, you can never be wrong
악의 안개속을 걸어 갈때 눈부신 빛과 방패
the shining light and the shield I see when walking through the mist of evil
it's you 내가 쉬는 숨은 너
it's you, the air I breathe is you
Yeah, it's you 내가 꿈꾸는 너
yeah, it's you, you whom I dream of
내가 한 방울의 물을 원할 땐 바다를,
you who gives me an ocean when I need a droplet of water,
또 내가 한알의 모래를 원한 땐 사막을 주는 너
a desert when I need a speck of sand

No place to go no place to go
No place to go no place to go
No place to go no place to go
We've got no place to go no place to go
No place to go no place to go
No place to go no place to go
My heaven

My heaven
is you
Nguồn: mp3.zing.vn/bai-hat/Heaven-Epik-High/ZWZ99A8A.html

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