Minh Trang Love Paraside (GDTY CoolShow)

Đóng góp: You're always on my mind, all days and all the time
You're everything to me , bright the stars to let me see
You touch me in my dreams, we kiss in every scenes
I pray to be with you through rainy , shine day

I love you till I die, deep as sea, wide as sky
[ Love Paradise lyrics on
http://music.tri eulinh.com/song/Engl ish/35693-Love-Parad ise.html ]
The beauty of our love paints rainbows everywhere we go
I need you all my life, you're my hope, you're my pride
In your arms I find my heaven
In your eyes my sea is sky
My love is all love paradise
Nguồn: mp3.zing.vn/bai-hat/Love-Paraside-GDTY-CoolShow-Minh-Trang/IWZDU97U.html

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