Tank March of the Soviet Tankist

128 kb/s
Đóng góp: In Russian:
Броня крепка, и танки наши быстры, И наши люди мужества полны: В строю стоят советские танкисты - Своей великой Родины сыны. Припев: Гремя огнем, сверкая блеском стали Пойдут машины в яростный поход, Когда нас в бой пошлет товарищ Сталин И Ворошилов в бой нас поведет! Заводов труд и труд колхозных пашен Мы защитим, страну свою храня, Ударной силой орудийных башен И быстротой, и натиском огня. Припев: Пусть помнит враг, укрывшийся в засаде Мы начеку, мы за врагом следим. Чужой земли мы не хотим ни пяди, Но и своей вершка не отдадим. Припев: А если к нам полезет враг матерый, Он будет бит повсюду и везде! Тогда нажмут водители стартеры И по лесам, по сопкам, по воде....
Phiên âm:
Bronia krepka, i tanki nashi bystry,
I nashi liudi muzhestva polny:
V stroiu stoiat sovetskie tankisty -
Svoei velikoi Rodiny syny.

Gremi a ognem, sverkaia bleskom stali,
Poidut mashiny v iarostnyi pokhod,
Kogda nas v boi poshliot tovarishch Stalin,
I Perviy Marshall v boi nas povedet!

Zavodov trud i trud kolkhoznykh pashen
My zashchitim, stranu svoiu khrania,
Udarnoi siloi orudiinykh bashen
I bystrotoi, i natiskom ognia.


Pus t' pomnit vrag, ukryvshiisia v zasade,
My nacheku, my za vragom sledim.
Chuzhoi zemli my ne khotim ni piadi,
No i svoei vershka ne otdadim.


A esli k nam polezet vrag matioryi,
On budet bit povsiudu i vezde!
Togda nazhmut voditeli startiory,
I po lesam, po sopkam, po vode....

In English:
The armour is hard and our tanks are fast
And our men are full of courage
The Soviet tankist are ready for action
Sons of their Great Motherland.

Thundering with fire, glinting with steel,
The tanks will begin a harsh campaign
When we're called to battle by Comrade Stalin
And the First Marshal will lead us in this battle!

The labor of factories and the labor of kolkhozes's fields,
We will protect, saving our country
With the shock force of our gun turrets,
With the quickness and with the rush of fire.

Thundering with fire, glinting with steel,
The tanks will begin a harsh campaign
When we're called to battle by Comrade Stalin
And the First Marshal will lead us in this battle!

Let the enemy hiding in ambush, remember
That we are on alert, we are watching for the enemy.
We want not a single inch of an alien land
But we shall not give away even one vershok of our territory.

Thunderi ng with fire, glinting with steel,
The tanks will begin a harsh campaign
When we're called to battle by Comrade Stalin
And the First Marshal will lead us in this battle!

And if a hardened enemy will rise up against us
He will be beaten always and everywhere!
In this case our tank drivers will activate the ignitions
And the tanks will go across forests, hills, water...

Thundering with fire, glinting with steel,
The tanks will begin a harsh campaign
When we're called to battle by Comrade Stalin
And the First Marshal will lead us in this battle!
Nguồn: mp3.zing.vn/bai-hat/March-of-the-Soviet-Tankist-Soviet-tank-T34/IW7B6FIZ.html

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