Danh ngôn: A poor man may be said to be rich in the midst of his poverty, so long as he enjoys the interior sunshine of a devoted friend. The wealthiest of men, on the contrary, is poor and miserable if he has no friend to whom he can disclose the secret of his heart.

A poor man may be said to be rich in the midst of his poverty, so long as he enjoys the interior sunshine of a devoted friend. The wealthiest of men, on the contrary, is poor and miserable if he has no friend to whom he can disclose the secret of his heart.
James Gibbons

Nội dung

A poor man may be said to be rich in the midst of his poverty, so long as he enjoys the interior sunshine of a devoted friend. The wealthiest of men, on the contrary, is poor and miserable if he has no friend to whom he can disclose the secret of his heart.
Một người nghèo vẫn được xem là giàu trong sự nghèo khó của anh ta nếu dưới mái ấm của mình vẫn có một người bạn tận tụy. Trái lại, người giàu có nhất cũng chỉ là một anh chàng nghèo khổ nếu không có bạn để bày tỏ nỗi lòng.

Nguồn: khotangdanhngon.com/a-devoted-friend.html

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