Danh ngôn: I do not question why it took so long to find you nor the wonder of why you walked into my life. I only know that you bring love to a special place inside my soul. I love you. ()

I do not question why it took so long to find you nor the wonder of why you walked into my life. I only know that you bring love to a special place inside my soul. I love you. ()
Lời yêu 99

Nội dung

I do not question why it took so long to find you nor the wonder of why you walked into my life.
I only know that you bring love to a special place inside my soul.
I love you.
(Anh không đặt câu hỏi vì sao phải mất bấy lâu mới tìm thấy em, hay tự hỏi vì sao em lại bước vào cuộc đời anh. Anh chỉ biết rằng em đã mang tình yêu đến một nơi chốn đặc biệt trong tâm hồn anh. Anh yêu Em!)

Nguồn: khotangdanhngon.com/you-bring-love-to-a-special-place.html

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