Danh ngôn: I wish that friendship should have feet, as well as eyes and eloquence. It must plant it self on the ground before it walks over the moon.

I wish that friendship should have feet, as well as eyes and eloquence. It must plant it self on the ground before it walks over the moon.
Ralph Wando Emerson

Nội dung

I wish that friendship should have feet, as well as eyes and eloquence. It must plant it self on the ground before it walks over the moon.
Tôi mong ước tình bạn có chân, cũng như có mắt và có tài hùng biện. Nó phải tự đứng được trên mặt đất trước khi bước tới cung trăng.

Nguồn: khotangdanhngon.com/friendship-17.html

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