Danh ngôn: Make up for my losses! It can’t be understandable why your image always exits in my mind’s premises. Pay me the rental fees with your kisses, please! ()

Make up for my losses! It can’t be understandable why your image always exits in my mind’s premises. Pay me the rental fees with your kisses, please! ()
Lời yêu 23

Nội dung

Make up for my losses! It can’t be understandable why your image always exits in my mind’s premises. Pay me the rental fees with your kisses, please!
(Bắt đền anh đấy! Chẳng hiểu sao hình bóng anh cứ xuất hiện trong mặt bằng tâm trí em. Trả tiền thuê cho em đi, nhưng tiền đấy phải làm bằng những nụ hôn cơ!)

Nguồn: khotangdanhngon.com/make-up-for-my-losses.html

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