Danh ngôn: Truth is... We hide cause we want to be found. We walk away to see who follows. We cry to see who wipes away the tears. And we let our heats be broken to see who comes and fixes them.

Truth is... We hide cause we want to be found. We walk away to see who follows. We cry to see who wipes away the tears. And we let our heats be broken to see who comes and fixes them.
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Nội dung

Truth is… We hide cause we want to be found. We walk away to see who follows. We cry to see who wipes away the tears. And we let our heats be broken to see who comes and fixes them.
Sự thật là… Chúng ta trốn vì muốn được tìm thấy. Chúng ta bỏ đi vì muốn biết ai sẽ theo mình. Chúng ta khóc để xem ai sẽ lau đi giọt lệ. Và chúng ta để trái tim tan vỡ, muốn thấy ai sẽ đến và chữa lành trái tim ta.

Nguồn: khotangdanhngon.com/heats-be-broken.html

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