Danh ngôn: When the world has got hold of a lie, it is astonishing how hard it is to kill it. You beat it over the head, till it seems to have given up the ghost, and behold! the next day it is as healthy as ever.

When the world has got hold of a lie, it is astonishing how hard it is to kill it. You beat it over the head, till it seems to have given up the ghost, and behold! the next day it is as healthy as ever.
Edward Bulwer Lytton

Nội dung

When the world has got hold of a lie, it is astonishing how hard it is to kill it. You beat it over the head, till it seems to have given up the ghost, and behold! the next day it is as healthy as ever.

Khi một lời nói dối bị thế giới bắt gặp, nó bị tìm cách thủ tiêu với nỗ lực tới mức đáng ngạc nhiên. Anh đập vào đầu nó cho tới khi nó dường như đã tan tác cả linh hồn, và hãy nhìn xem! ngày hôm sau nó đã lại nhơn nhơn khỏe mạnh.

Nguồn: khotangdanhngon.com/khi-mot-loi-noi-doi-bi-the-gioi-bat-gap.html

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