Font chữ: Tag Hand Graffiti Trash

OpenType OTF

Nội dung

CHARACTERISTICS The fresh and uni­que cha­rac­ter of the type­face are awe­some BOOM! The letter-forms are asso­cia­ted urban graf­fiti tags and pie­ces. Many Ding­bat sym­bols like micro­phone, tape deck, ghetto blas­ter, vinyl, etc. make this font really fresh n HOT!

APPLICATION AREA The hand­writ­ten, sloppy, square, shaky and fresh urban script font »Tag Hand Graf­fiti Trash« BANG! would look good at dis­play size for head­lines in maga­zi­nes or web­sites, movie pos­ters, music covers art­works or music webbanner.

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Head­line Font / Dis­play Font / Fancy Font — Tag Hand Graf­fiti Trash Open­Type Font with 393 gly­phs — alter­na­tive let­ters and liga­tures like Mr, Mrs, Ltd, Co, Dr, Mc, Dj etc. (with accents & €) & 2 styles (regu­lar & fat) + ding­bats like dia­mant, tape deck, micro­phone, vinyl etc.

Tag Hand Graffiti Trash


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