Each of these items included in this bundle can be purchased separately. See below for links:
Benefits of graphic styles
100% Editable text all the time.
Apply on many items (text, shapes, logos, etc.)
Can apply, and scale to any size needed.
Create and enhance your work, with little effort on you.
File Features
Graphic Style was designed using 96pt font.
Graphic Styles work best if there are no fills on the items or text before choosing a graphic style.
Problems may occur with some of the textures and how they are repeating. If this occurs go into Preferences/General and make sure that “Scale Strokes & Effects” & “Transform Pattern Tiles” are unchecked. Once they are unchecked move the text around until you get the desired look of the pattern you want.
Fonts used in this document are not included, but are all free downloads.
Fonts used are as follows:Airstream, Molot, Brawler, Chunkfive, College, Lobster
Customer Service
I take great pride in my work and if something is wrong with the item or not as described leave a comment, and I will GUARANTEE that I will work with you to fix it and make you happy. ENJOY!