This set of Piano Keys Brushes includes 6 unique variations: Top view(simple, rendered, labeled), Waving, Curving and Angled View. They’re Great for all kinds of Music themes: Pianist, Keytar, Organ, Accordion, Pipe Organ, Band, Classical, Jazz, Rock N Roll, Country, Orchestra, (Electric, Upright, digital or Grand) piano, Ensembles and More. These Brushes are also useful in creating Logo art, Designs, Scrapbook art, Vehicle graphics, T-shirt art, Fliers, Posters, Embroidery Designs. The sky is the limit!
Generate surprisingly powerful and fun results with Just one click! They are Easy to modify from the stroke panel and the brush panel. If your version supports Brush Width features you can also play with the thick and thin of the brush along the path. Keys can also easily be flipped left to right or top to bottom.
This set also includes Ready-Made objects in high quality vector (live and expanded) and Raster of all assets (with transparency): Straight length, Circle and Rectangle.
Goodness, Gracious They’ll Light your Designs On Fire!
(‘Read Me’ Doc including installation instructions and User instruction included.)