456Industry is a WooCommerce theme, built on Bootstrap grid system for eCommerce, corporate websites. Theme is fully translation ready, compatible with WPML Multilingual CMS, WooCommerce Professor Cloud, Catalog Visibility Options and WooCommerce Compare Products PRO plugins.
v1.0 = 14/11/2013 * initial released v1.0.1 = 25/11/2013 Fixed z-index issue with sticky menu Fixed "none" header search form option Fixed "disable" shopping cart option Fixed "left sidebar" for blog page Removed "product post sidebar" from theme options Compatibility with WooCommerce v2.0.20 Compatibility with Contact Form 7 v3.5.4 v1.0.2 = 29/11/2013 Fixed z-index for WPML switcher Fixed z-index for "media boxes" lightbox Fixed missing translation strings v1.1 = 24/02/2014 Improved product post layouts Added custom js and css options to "Theme Options" Compatibility with Wordpress v3.8.1 Compatibility with WooCommerce v2.1.2 Compatibility with WooCommerce Catalog Visibility Options v2.4.5 plugin Removed Nivo Slider WordPress Plugin v1.9.1 v1.1.1 = 27/02/2014 Fixed button classes for shop template v1.1.2 = 24/03/2014 Compatibility with WooCommerce v2.1.5 Fixed missing translation strings Fixed warning ‘WC_Compare_Hook_Filter’ issue http://support.lpd-themes.com/warning-wc_compare_hook_filter-issue/ Fixed navigation on mobile devices http://support.lpd-themes.com/456industry-navigation-on-mobile-devices/ v1.2 = 09/05/2014 Compatibility with WooCommerce v2.1.8 Compatibility with Wordpress v3.9 Updated Visual Composer v4.1.2 Fixed product price for variable product post v1.2.1 = 02/06/2014 Fixed missing translation strings Updated media uploader for header background image Fixed lost password issue http://support.lpd-themes.com/lost-password-issue-123interior-v1-2-1-123medicine-v1-2-456industry-v1-2/ Compatibility with WooCommerce v2.1.12 v1.2.2 = 15/10/2014 Fixed reset password for woocommerce template http://support.lpd-themes.com/reset-password/ Fixed navigation on touchscreen devices http://support.lpd-themes.com/456industry-v1-2-1-navigation-issue-on-touchscreen-devices/ Compatibility with WooCommerce v2.2.6 Compatibility with Wordpress v4.0 Compatibility with Contact Form 7 v4.0
NB! Compatible Plugins are not included to this item
* – file’s license is included to this item.
*1 – file’s license is not included to this item.