Aether is a Multi-Purpose responsive friendly, flexible and creative theme, with a clean look and feel, very easy to use. Aether is designed based on 1170px Bootstrap Grid System which will make it easier for you to adapt it for different devices. It is suitable for any kind of business or company which looks for an elegant and timeless design. (corporate, portfolio, blog, products, etc) The fully layered PSD files are well organized and structured in folders.
Template Features
PSD Files Included
- 01_Homepage.psd
- 02_About.psd
- 03_Services.psd
- 04_Gallery.psd (2 Column)
- 05_ Gallery.psd (3 Column)
- 06_Gallery.psd (4 Column)
- 07_Blog_v1.psd (First Version)
- 08_Blog_v2.psd (Second Version)
- 09_Blog_One Post.psd (One Page Post)
- 10_Contact
- 11_Page Not Found
Free Fonts Used
Montserrat –
Google FontsAlegreya –
Google Fonts Icons Used
Font Awesome Graphics Used
GoodFonNote: All images are just used for preview purpose only and NOT included in the final purchase files.
Online Support
If you have any questions about customization of this template which are not covered in the documentation feel free to ask a question in the comment section or contact me directly via e-mail form on my profile page.