Apartment Istria is a single responsive Landing Page HTML theme.
It is the perfect theme for anyone renting out an apartment or house.
It will be displayed beautifully on all mobile devices.
Notice: This is not WordPress theme. It’s HTML template.
We are available for questions / suggestions / help at info@frekvencaspleta.si
Don´t forget to rate it!
v2.0 (13-08-2014) --- second release (update to Bootstrap 3, fixed mobile version, added Ajax Contact Form)
v1.3 (23-10-2013) --- implement Flexslider, fixed mobile bugs v1.2 (01-05-2013) --- the working contact form written in PHP added v1.1 (11-04-2013) --- lightbox update, fixed slider resizing, added apartment element v2.0 (05-04-2013) --- first release