Mẫu thiết kế web Appy

Now also avalible in mobile version, Appy Mobile

Nội dung

HTML version also available: Appy HTML

Clean and proffesional psd, made for mobile apps, web apps and software. Can also be used for portfolio and agency sites. Based on 960.gs.

Now also avalible in mobile version, Appy Mobile

Includes 3 psd files:

Frontpage(appy-frontpage-finale.psd) About (appy-subpage.psd) Fullwidth (appy-fullpage.psd)

Fonts used in template

“Helvetica” – styles: bold and roman more info: http://www.linotype.com/526/helvetica-family.html

Icons used in template

iPad and iPhone screenshots are not included. You can download them for free, see links in helpfile.

Please rate it if you like it:)


Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/appy/155548?WT.oss_phrase=&WT.oss_rank=6&WT.z_author=DreamTheme&WT.ac=search_li...
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