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Arvedui Landing Page Template is a single responsive marketing template made to help you sell your App, Software, Services or Work.
A perfect start up template for companies, individuals and professionals. This template was designed with Responsive design, pricing table, twitter integration and much more..
With HTML and CSS this template is easy to customise, fully documented, SEO optimised for high search engine rankings and fully featured.
Nowadays, most people have a powerful computer for internet browsing. Let’s take advantage of it! We’re using hardware-accelerated CSS3 animations. Fully accessible and cross-browsers compatible!
Also, to make it easy for you to customize your theme, we made the CSS animations editable with simple data attributes. Basically, you just have to indicate which effect you want for each element! And the best part is… you can choose between 50+ animations!
NOTE: The online samples images belong to their respective owners and are only used for demo purposes. Some images are from Dribbble and Behance.
v2.0 – 20 May 14, 2014
- Bootstrap 3 update - Responsive improved - Working Contact form (php+jquery) - Working Newsletter form (php+jquery) - Retina display
v1.1 – 20 November, 2014
- Documentation improved - Twitter plugin update - 3 new colors added: green, violet and orange
v1.0 – 10 June, 2013
- Initial release