Mẫu thiết kế web Atlas Directory & Listings Premium WordPress Theme

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Atlas Directory & Listings theme is an absolutely unique premium WordPress theme, it is the result of months and months of development and constant feedbacks from users and buyers. This theme is built in cooperation with you!

Your users will never have access to the WordPress dashboard, everything is done on the front-end. You can, register, login, edit your profile, submit listings, change your membership and so much more from the front-end without having to visit the WordPress dashboard.

And if this isn’t enough, your users will also be able to manage their existing listings from the frontend, they can decide to delete their listings or to update them.

Set up an online directory portal of any type – companies, shops, restaurants, real estate, websites and so on in no time with Atlas. The theme has built in membership system, you can easily create packages to allow users to post listings on your website, you can setup different prices, recurring subscriptions, and select how many listings the user is allowed to submit for each membership.

Atlas is really easy to customize, the documentation comes with video tutorials that show you how to use and customize the theme. The documentation, also shows you how you can modify the fields of the theme, you can easily add, modify and remove new fields, these fields will also be automatically available on the front-end submission form.

What about search fields? You can customize them as well. Atlas features a customizable search form, you can add, modify, remove search fields which allows you to create custom forms and fields and use Atlas to list any kind of content.

The map has been customized, it let’s you add custom pin for each category and also allows you to set a custom pin for featured listings! Atlas comes with geolocation support which allows you to show the location of the user on the map and search for listings around his area. One of the core features of Atlas are email notifications, every action taken on your website is notified to the site admin allowing you to have full control over your website, if you don’t need them, you can easily disable this feature through the theme options panel. This is a list of the emails notification available with Atlas
  1. The admin receives an email when a listing has been submitted on the website.
  2. The user that submits a listing also receives an email notifying him that his listing will be review first.
  3. The listing author is notified when the listing is approved
  4. The admin receives an email when a listing already published is modified by the author.
  5. The listing author receives an email after modifying his listing telling him that his listing will be re-reviewed
  6. The site admin receives an email when a Listing Claim has been submitted.
Atlas supports multiple listings categories and child categories, if enabled also, you can display a list of the current category child categories into the listings categories page, this is useful if you want to display a quick navigation throughout your categories, a widget with the same features is also available which will display links to child categories into the sidebar. The homepage also supports a listings categories marker filters, click on each category to show/hide listings markers on the map from that specific category. Atlas comes with a lot of skin customization options, it also comes with 7 predefined skins, if you don’t like any of them you can always customize each color of the theme through the WordPress Theme Customizer. Atlas comes with a special homepage layout, featuring a special tabbed navigation, this special navigation can be easily customized with the internal drag & drop homepage tabs builder, no need to use complicated shortcodes.

And if you prefer, you can always use the alternative homepage layout which comes with LayerSlider.

Our best ideas come from your suggestions so we take feedback seriously. If you have an idea or want to make a suggestion please let us know. We will keep supporting the product and we will keep adding essential features to the theme. A list of exclusive tutorials can be found on our support forum. At the moment there are more than 20 tutorials available. More and more will be added soon.

We provide a dedicated support forum to streamline support requests and better serve you. Please note that we do not provide support through comments on ThemeForest.

To open a new support topic please visit the support helpdesk , register and then open a support topic.

Support requests are processed on business days from 8:00 to 17:00 (GMT 0.0) [normally] within 24h (even less) in the order they were received. Support request sent during weekends/holidays will be processed on Monday/the next business day.


Update 2.3 October 24th 2014
Read the changelog and list of affect files here..

Update 2.2 October 19th 2014
Read the changelog and list of affect files here..

Update 2.1 October 13th 2014
Read the changelog and list of affect files here..

Update 2.0.1 September 2nd 2014

 Adjustment: made some adjustment to the expiration feature.  Theme Updated files style.css framework/functions/listings/listings-expire.php 

Update 2.0.0 September 1st 2014
 Added: Listings can now expire after a set period. The period is handled by the membership expiration date. Added: Ability to show the map in single listing page by default. Fixed: pagination in blogs categories Fixed: Issue of grid photos in IE 9 Fixed: minor responsive issue. Fixed: Listings with same address into ajax map where not visible with maximum zooming. Fixed: non translatable word in profile editing page  Updated Plugins:  You must update the plugins too to have everything working. Hangar Plugin has been update TDP Listings Membership plugin has been updated TDP Profile edit plugin has been updated.  Theme Updated Files single-listing.php functions.php js/ajax_map.js style.css framework/functions/listings/theme-specific.php category.php framework/fields/listings_post.php framework/fields/theme_options.php framework/functions/listings/listings-expire.php 

Update 1.9.8 July 23rd 2014

 Fixed: Images not visible in taxonomies pages under certain conditions Fixed: wrong textdomain of certain words into the homepage category filter Added: simply honeypot spam prevention to "send to a friend" form.  Theme Updated Files content-single-listing.php includes/custom-tabs.php includes/default-tabs.php includes/listing-tab4.php style.css  

Update 1.9.7 July 14th 2014

 Fixed: Uploading images on mobile not possible due to selection button hidden. Fixed: Listings Address Override Option not displaying correct address into the search results page. Fixed: Some missing strings for localization. Added: Geolocation activation button in categories and locations pages. Added: css class wrapping membership allowance number.  Theme Updated Files: style.css taxonomy-*  rev-comments.php css/responsive.css template-search-results.php header.php  TDP Listings Membership Plugin Updated To Version 1.2.4  

Update 1.9.6 June 23rd 2014

 Fixed: Missing words from translation files. Fixed: Alignment issue of pagination in search results page when layout is set as grid Fixed: adjusted fullscreen homepage maps to adhere with Google's TOS Fixed: Search by address not displaying under certain conditions due to wrong logic Fixed: Custom Taxonomy Search Form Fields option "Hide Empty" not working Fixed: Claim listing form not correctly retrieving the current listing details due to different combinations of widgets positions and queries. Fixed: Single Listing Map widget displaying other listing marker position if map widget and featured listings widget are available into the same sidebar Fixed: Shortcodes not displaying in membership confirmation text. Added: Child Categories Widget now displaying for unlimited tiers of child categories. (Previously worked only until 2 Tiers)   Plugins Updated Hangar Plugin to version 1.4 TDP Listings Membership Plugin to 1.2.2  Theme Updated Files default.mo default.po framework/fields/listings_post.php framework/functions/aq_resizer.php framework/functions/listings/ajax-loader.php framework/functions/listings/theme-specific.php framework/functions/theme-setup.php functions.php includes/custom-tabs.php includes/default-tabs.php includes/search-listings.php includes/theme-claimingform.php js/ajax_map.js js/custom.js rev-comments.php style.css template-all-listings-map.php template-homepage-listings-content.php template-homepage.php template-search-results.php 

Update 1.9.5 June 9th 2014

 Fixed: cached map wrongly displaying in taxonomies pages. Fixed: enable geolocation on click button still displaying even if disabled  Theme Updated Files framework/functions/listings/ajax-loader.php style.css template-all-listings-map.php template-homepage-listings-content.php template-homepage.php 

Update 1.9.4 June 6th 2014
 Added: Ajax map is now cached.  Added: Ajax map will automatically clear it's cache every 4 hours. Added: Adding listings from backend will automatically clear the cache Added: Adding listings from frontend will automatically clear the cache. Added: Added option to display every marker into the map after using the marker filtering tool. Fixed: potential inclusion issue with plugins using Aqua Resizer Fixed: Current Listings Tags and Listing Details widgets displaying wrong information if positioned below a widget with a custom query. Updated: Aqua Resizer to latest version.  Hangar Plugin Update to version 1.3 (Must update)  Theme Updated Files framework/fields/listings_post.php framework/functions/aq_resizer.php framework/functions/listings/ajax-loader.php framework/functions/listings/theme-specific.php functions.php includes/custom-tabs.php includes/default-tabs.php includes/search-listings.php js/ajax_map.js style.css template-all-listings-map.php 
Update 1.9.3 May 30th 2014
 Fixed: Search button is hidden when  Fixed: Map buttons in IE not displaying correctly Fixed: potential issue with on click geolocation on "All Listings + Map" page template  Theme Updated Files framework/functions/listings/theme-specific.php template-all-listings-map.php style.css 

Update 1.9.2 May 23 2014

 Fixed: Pagination not working when page template "All Listings + Map" is set as static front page of the website.  Theme Updated Files style.css template-all-listings-map.php 

Update 1.9.1 May 16 2014

 Fixed: Search Popup not working on "All Listings + Map" page template Fixed: pagination not working on page templates "all listings" and "All Listings + Map"  Updated: ACF plugin to latest version Adjusted: Marker filters will not appear on "all listings + map" page template when map is not ajax mode Fixed: corrected wrong textdomain of dashboard listings status.  Theme Updated Files style.css framework/custom-fields/ (whole folder) framework/functions/listings/theme-specific.php template-all-listings-map.php template-all-listings.php  

Update 1.9 May 6 2014

 Changed: Map markers filter will hide empty categories Changed: textdomain of "add to favorite" button Added: Captcha verification to Claim Submission Form Added: sidebar support for search results page Added: new sidebar area for the search results page Added: New page template "All Listings + Map"  Added: Track location button on the map allows geolocation only on click of a button from the user Added: new option in theme options panel to enable the above option Fixed: blog posts images linking to image instead of blog post Fixed: pagination in blog missing Fixed: all listings page template pagination not working Fixed: latest post widget post date css adjustment Fixed: search by address infowindow not aligned to marker Fixed: issue with claimed listing email not being sent Fixed: map markers categories filter not correctly filtering listings with multiple categories Fixed: listing marker of subcategories not correctly being displayed and defaulting to parent category marker Fixed: corrected js error if search by address is enabled but homepage tabs does not have a search form. Fixed: logout button not visible in mobile menu Adjusted: minor responsive css alignments Adjusted: marker image query optimized to reduce amount of calls to detect the category of the listing  Theme Updated Files  style.css /includes/default-tabs.php /includes/custom-tabs.php single-listing.php /includes/theme-claimingform.php /js/custom.js /framework/functions/listings/theme-specific.php /framework/functions/theme-setup.php content.php index.php /framework/fields/listings_post.php template-search-results.php /framework/functions/core-functions.php content-single-result.php template-all-listings.php template-homepage-listings-content.php template-homepage.php /framework/functions/listings/ajax-loader.php /js/ajax_map.js /framework/fields/theme_options.php /framework/functions/listings/theme-functions.php /css/responsive.css 

Update 1.8.2 April 17 2014

 Updated: ACF plugin to fix compatibility issues with WP 3.9.  Theme Updated Files style.css /framework/custom-fields/ (whole folder) 

Update 1.8.1 April 7 2014

 Fixed: warning error on pages if some of the listings added to your website is not assigned to any category.  Theme Updated Files style.css /framework/functions/listings/ajax-loader.php 

Update 1.8 April 4 2014

 Fixed: Layout issue overlapping to footer when listing taxonomy shows 404 error and sidebar is enabled Fixed: Featured listings widget images on responsive view Fixed: recaptcha css bug in certain browsers. Fixed: wrong textdomain of certain strings Fixed: homepage sidebar scrolling issue in RTL language mode Removed: map from search results in mobile mode Added: Listings opening times days will now only show if the selected day is enabled. Added: Google Microdata for phone numbers and address. Added: Listings Category Markers Filter on homepage Added: Listings category markers filter on homepage + custom content layout Added: Listings category markers filter in homepage custom tabs builder  Theme Updated Files style.css taxonomy-listings_categories.php taxonomy-listings_location.php taxonomy-listings_tags.php /css/responsive.css /includes/listings-tab1.php /includes/listings-tab2.php /framework/functions/theme-setup.php /includes/default-tabs.php /includes/custom-tabs.php /framework/fields/theme_options.php rtl.css template-homepage-listings-content.php 

Update 1.7 March 14 2014

 Fixed: Search Results page doesn't resize images correctly on certain viewport Fixed: Listings categories & locations child terms display list too long, now displaying only direct child terms Fixed: megamenu not working on menus other than the default primary menu Fixed: search button hidden on search results page when ajax system is active Fixed: editing tags from frontend listings edit page not making changes Fixed: mobile listings images upload interface Updated: layerslider plugin to latest version Added: logout button to primary menu only when website is being visited by a mobile device Added: simple math verification captcha to listing author contact form Added: re-arranged primary homepage layout to overcome issues on certain mobile devices. Added: simplified query for child terms display in listing categories/locations  Theme Updated Files style.css /css/responsive.css /framework/listings/theme-specific.php header.php  Updated hangar plugin to 1.2 hangar.php /bundled/hangar-theme-widgets/widgets/widget-listings-child-categories.php /bundled/hangar-theme-widgets/widgets/widget-contact-form.php 

Update March 04 2014 (No Theme Version Change)

 Fixed: wpml compatibility issue with shortcodes not rendering in membership translated pages.  TDP Listings Membership Plugin Updated Files: tdp-listings-membership.php /includes/init.php 

Update v1.6.3 February 28 2014

 Fixed: inclusion of a js file if option not enabled. Fixed: favorite listings wording not translatable Fixed: homepage sidebar alignment issues if admin is showing/hiding wp admin bar or header topbar Fixed: arrow indicators to submenus Fixed: ajax map not working correctly on mobiles Added: target blank to social media icons Added: option in theme options panel to force first name and last name on membership checkout page   Theme Updated Files style.css /js/ajax_map.js /css/responsive.css /framework/functions/theme-setup.php /framework/functions/listings/favorite/tdp_fav-page-template.php /framework/fields/listings_post.php /framework/theme-specific.php /includes/listing-tab1.php /js/custom.js /framework/fields/theme_options.php 

Update v1.6.2 February 24 2014

 Fixed: homepage hide sidebar and search button hidden and not showing in normal map mode  Updated files: style.css 

Update v1.6.1 Major Update February 20 2014

 Fixed: listings sorter css glitch in firefox Fixed: non approved listings being displayed if using ajax query sorter  Atlas Theme Updated Files style.css /framework/functions/listings/ajax-loader.php 

Update v1.6 Major Update February 19 2014

 Fixed: shortcode list item icon issue not being replaced with correct icon Fixed: js conflict loading on first setup if pages are not correctly set Fixed: widget listing details not separating multiple locations with a comma Fixed: listings automatically approved after submission not appearing in categories/locations pages Fixed: listing approval email not being sent Fixed: removed arrows from all submenu items Fixed: ul/ol styling Fixed: google maps shortcode for contact page Fixed: Listings Tags page layout as "not found"  Fixed: membership pages when wpml is installed. Updated: certain scripts have been moved at the bottom of the page Updated: cleaned css/js files for faster loading Fixed: various minor css adjustments Fixed: minor responsive css issues Added: Ajax/json Map for faster map loading Added: Option to specify infowindow text for geolocation marker for ajax map Added: option to set custom pin image for geolocated position for ajax map Added: ability to enable/disable clusters for ajax map Added: ability to change map clusters images Added: ability to sort listings in taxonomies pages through ajax (only when ajax map is enabled) Added: get directions form is now hidden if the listing does not have any address Added: indicator icon to menu links with submenus Added: Custom MegaMenu  Support Added: ability to override listing address if the address returned by the google map api is wrong. Added: HRK - Croatian Kuna currency Added: Turkish Lira Currency Added: hide/show effect on faceted search form, the subfields are now displayed after selecting main categories/locations Added: adjusted faceted search form query to query the taxonomy only if the subcategory has been selected, if not, it now queries the main selected category. Added: Ability to submit listings from mobile Added: New Listings Tags taxonomy which replaces the existing tags Added: Widget to display current listing tags Added: Option to display child categories of main categories/locations when viewing a category/location page that has child terms Added: Widget to display current taxonomy term child terms, it's visible only if the current category has child items. Added: Listings Search Form Shortcode Added: Shortcode to display specific categories in grid layout given the ID Updated documentation with new tutorials, they can be found at the bottom of the "Faq & Tutorials" page.  To perform the update you must update all the files listed below here.  Atlas Updated Files  style.css functions.php /framework/functions/listings/ajax-loader.php /js/ajax_map.js /js/custom.js /includes/default-tabs.php /framework/functions/listings/theme-specific.php template-homepage.php /framework/fields/theme_options.php /includes/map-loader.php taxonomy-listings_categories.php taxonomy-listings_location.php /js/ajaxview.js /framework/functions/theme-setup.php /images/cluster.png /images/tax-loader.gif /includes/theme-displaybar.php content-listing-list-view.php /framework/fields/listings_post.php /framework/functions/required_plugins.php /framework/functions/listings/favorite/wp-favorite-posts.php content-single-listing.php css/shortcodes.css /includes/popup-content.php /includes/listing-tab1.php /css/responsive.css template-submit-listing.php template-homepage-listings-content.php /includes/search-listings.php  Hangar Plugin Updated Files  /bundled/hangar-shortcodes/shortcodes.php /bundled/hangar-theme-widgets/widgets/widget-listings-details.php /supported/listings_post_type.php /bundled/hangar-theme-widgets/hangar-theme-widgets.php /bundled/hangar-theme-widgets/widgets/widget-listings-tags.php /bundled/hangar-theme-widgets/widgets/widget-current-listing-tags.php /bundled/hangar-theme-widgets/widgets/widget-listings-child-categories.php  TDP Profile Edit Plugin  tdp-profile-edit.php  TDP Listings Membership Plugin Updated Files /includes/init.php /includes/currencies.php /includes/functions.php  Child Theme Updated files /js/ folder has been added 

Update v1.5.9.b February 11 2014

 Fixed: js conflict on homepage with missing js string.  Updated files includes/map-loader.php framework/functions/theme-setup.php 

Update v1.5.9.a February 11 2014

 Fixed: js conflict when no search form is visible on the homepage and hiding markers images Fixed: fixed js warning on submission page Fixed: fixed js warning on edit listing page  Added: Documentation has been updated with step by step instructions on how to achieve the same layout as the live demo Added: Documentation has been updated with  a video tutorial showing how to achieve the same layout as the live demo  Atlas Theme Changed Files: style.css /framework/functions/theme-setup.php /includes/map-loader.php  

Update v1.5.9 February 5 2014

 Fixed: email sent through the contact form widget do not display the comment field Fixed: shortcodes not visible in "Terms Of Service/Terms Of Use" page into the membership purchase page Fixed: search results page "grid" mode, layout not aligned. Fixed: missing translations strings from membership plugin Fixed: issue with validation in submission form Updated: ACF Plugin to latest version Fixed: tabs alignment on submission form due to the new ACF update  Atlas Updated Files  style.css /framework/custom-fields/ (the whole folder) template-search-results.php  Hangar Plugin Updated Files /bundled/hangar-theme-widgets/widgets/widget-contact-form.php  TDP Listings Membership Plugin Updated Files  /pages/ (whole folder) /languages/tdp.mo /languages/tdp.po 

Update v1.5.8 February 1 2014

 Fixed: listings order in listings categories/locations displaying latest listings in the last page Fixed: issue with membership description not rendering shortcodes into the homepage sidebar Fixed: membership restricted fields being visible for everyone on "listing edit page"  Fixed: changed listings fields loading action to prevent issues with translations Fixed: breadcrumb still visible on search results page when disabled Fixed: removed sad face icon from restricted access page Fixed: latest/featured listings widgets image alignment Fixed: image size alignment on IE  Fixed/Added: Beta Plugin to update listings imported through CSV and not visible on listings category/location pages. More info here http://support.themesdepot.org/forums/topic/beta-plugin-for-listings-imported-via-csv/  Updated Theme Files style.css /framework/functions/listings/theme-specific.php /includes/default-tabs.php /includes/custom-tabs.php template-search-results.php template-submit-listing.php 

Update v1.5.7 January 24 2014

 Fixed: single listing multi rating set into the topbar being stuck with multi set ID1 Fixed: cropped listings details into single listing page on responsive view Fixed: faceted search results logic will now display main selected category/location if child category/location has not been selected Fixed: faceted search results logic still searching for location even when location field is disabled Fixed: Comment submit button width on responsive Fixed: Listing Details widget not separating multiple locations Fixed: Typo error in membership confirmation email Fixed: Compatibility issues with plugins using the AQ_Resizer library Fixed: Typo error in email sent after listing is approved Fixed: Listing approval notification not connected to theme options panel Fixed: latest listings/recent listings widget images alignment Fixed: Incorrect coordinates in get directions form not grabbing coordinates overridden by the appropriate fields Fixed: listings images not displayed on IE  Atlas Updated Files style.css includes/top-single.php /css/responsive.css /includes/map-taxonomy.php template-search-results.php /framework/functions/listings/theme-specific.php functions.php /includes/listing-drivingdirections.php  Hangar Plugin Updated Files /bundled/hangar-theme-widgets/widgets/widget-listings-details.php  TDP Listings Membership Plugin Updated Files  /pages/confirmation.php 

Update v1.5.6 January 15 2014

 Fixed: An issue on multi-site network setups causing a redirect loop error.  Update Files: /framework/functions/listings/theme-specific.php 

Update v1.5.5 January 12 2014

 Added: Extra check to exclude listings without an address from the map  List of changed files:  /includes/map-loader.php /includes/map-taxonomy.php /includes/map-single.php 

Update v1.5.4 January 11 2014

 Added: "All Listings" Page template you can now show all the latest listings into a page. Added: Multi Ratings support GD Star Rating Plugin is required Added: Search query text is now displayed in search results page if filled Added: Hangar plugin will not crash the website if PHP 5.3 not installed, it will display a message requiring to update. Added: Alternative Coordinates field for listings, use this field if your listing doesn't have an address but you know the coordinates Added: Listings Categories Shortcode use the following shortcode [listings_categories_list] to display a list of your categories with description and link to it. Added: New Theme Skin Customizer under theme options panel Improved: support for listings imported through csv that only have coordinates Updated: documentation with instructions on how to use multi ratings Updated: LayerSlider to latest version  Fixed: Edit Profile Page Empty when accessed without being logged in Fixed: search by address on search results page Fixed: broken links and broken html content in membership description Fixed: map extra buttons overlapping map zoom buttons when street view controls enabled Fixed: missing strings into .mo/.po files Fixed: listing approval email non translatable Fixed: website field being visible when content of field is only "http://"  Fixed: breadcrumbs in search page Fixed: 3rd level submenu overlapping 2nd level submenu Fixed: access to /listing/ url-page Fixed: visit your dashboard url into homepage tabs pointing to wrong page Fixed: Breadcrumb icon non visible when installing Breadcrumb NavXT plugin Fixed: edit listing page still displaying fields restricted by membership Fixed: edit listing page clear input text fields on click Fixed: corrected an issue with markers at the same address not being visible in taxonomies pages but still visible on homepage  Atlas Updated Files  style.css template-all-listings.php /framework/fields/theme_options.php content-single-listing.php single-listing.php content-listing-list-view.php /includes/top-single.php template-search-results.php /framework/functions/listings/theme-specific.php      template-search-results.php template-homepage.php default.mo/.po /includes/default-tabs.php /includes/custom-tabs.php /framework/functions/theme-functions.php /includes/listing-tab1.php /js/functions.js /framework/fields/listings_post.php /includes/map-loader.php /includes/map-taxonomy.php /includes/map-single.php /js/custom.js functions.php /framework/functions/theme-setup.php /framework/functions/core-functions.php  TDP Listings Membership plugin  /pages/levels.php  Hangar Plugin hangar.php /bundled/hangar-theme-widgets/widgets/widget-listing-map.php  

Update v1.5.2 December 18 2013

 Fixed: images gallery disappearing when map widget added to sidebar and option to disable POI is enabled. Fixed: disabling social sharing option for single listing pages not working Fixed: wpml language selector plugin not styled anymore due to wpml plugin changes Fixed: name of South African Rand Currency Fixed: issue with currency selector not being visible when selecting "check" as payment method Fixed: Faceted Search not returning the right results after the search but returns all listings  Atlas Updated Files  style.css template-search-results.php content-single-listing.php  Hangar Plugin Updated Files /bundled/hangar-theme-widgets/widgets/widget-listing-map.php  TDP Listings Membership Plugin Updated Files  /adminpages/paymentsettings.php /includes/currencies.php 

Update v1.5.2 December 16 2013

 Added: Faceted Search for a more in depth search Added: new option in theme options panel to enable the faceted search form. "Theme Options : Search Form Fields" : "Enable Faceted Search"  Fixed: a glitch with the single listing hidden map not displaying when the map widget is added to sidebar and POI disabled.  Updated Files: style.css /framework/functions/theme-setup.php /framework/fields/theme_options.php /js/custom.js  Hangar Plugin Updated Files /bundled/hangar-theme-widgets/widgets/widget-listing-map.php 

Update v1.5.1 December 14 2013
 Added: "All" option into listings search form, by default the form will now search for all categories and locations Added: Phone numbers are now active when visited through mobile Added: Display map button in single listing page, automatically hidden is no address added Added: Taxonomy maps now will display child categories markers Added: Search popup in search results page template Added: Ability to add listings to favorites Added: A table with all the favorites into the user dashboard on frontend Added: new option to enable favorite system in Theme Options -> Listings Settings -> Single Listing Added: African Rand Currency (not supported by paypal, works only with "check" gateway) Added: Egyptian Pounds Currency (not supported by paypal, works only with "check" gateway) Added: viewport marker management for markers on the homepage (beta) Fixed: password recovery form title wrong Fixed: removed demo phrase from homepage tabs Fixed: various RTL alignments issues Fixed: email "from" address when using contact form widget in single listing page Fixed: issue in search results page not displaying markers  Atlas Updated Files  style.css /framework/functions/wpas.php /framework/functions/wpas-field.php /framework/functions/theme-setup.php rtl.css /includes/map-loader.php /includes/map-taxonomy.php /includes/map-single.php /includes/listing-tab1.php /js/custom.js/ js/lrt_sidebar.js (added) js/rtl_sidebar.js (added) template-search-results.php functions.php single-listing.php /framework/functions/listings/favorite (added) /framework/functions/frontend_dashboard.php /framework/fields/theme_options.php /js/functions.js  Hangar Updated Files /bundled/hangar-theme-widgets/widget-contact-form.php  TDP Listings Membership Plugin /includes/init.php /includes/currencies.php 

Update v1.5 December 6 2013

 Added: Ability to add promotions for listings Added: Ability to enable/disable promotions for listings in Theme Options > Listings Settings > General Settings Added: You can now easily assign existing listings to other users through the "Author" box at the bottom of the listings editing page in your WordPress Dashboard Added: RUB Currency (Beta) Added: Placeholder Attribute for contact form widget textarea Fixed: Issue with the search box in sidebar on homepage not being visible for low screen resolutions Fixed: Various responsive issues on login pages, profile pages, and membership pages. Fixed: Homepage With Content Sidebar appearing at the bottom Fixed: Checkbox alignments issue when added into search form Fixed: Listing Approval Email not being sent Fixed: Multisite Network issue when trying to edit listings Fixed: Removed wp-login url into membership registration email Fixed: RTL alignment issues Fixed: Homepage Sidebar + Homepage Search Popup buttons missing from homepage when RTL enabled.  Theme Updated Files style.css /framework/functions/listings/theme-specific.php /css/responsive.css /includes/map-loader.php template-homepage-listings-content.php /framework/functions/listings/theme-specific.php /framework/fields/theme_options.php content-single-listing.php /includes/listing-promotions.php /framework/fields/listings_post.php  TDP Listings Membership Plugin Files  /includes/currencies.php  Hangar Plugin Files  /bundled/hangar-theme-widgets/widgets/widget-contact-form.php 

Update v1.4.4 November 22 2013

 Fixed: a bug allowing users to have access to the admin through the media upload Fixed: Password recovery wrong redirect Added: Ability to set custom page for redirect after successful password reset Fixed: blog sidebar search form wrong overlapping Fixed: Facebook like button cut-off Fixed: TopBar Logout Url now redirects to homepage and not same page Fixed: Page Views Graph Displaying all listings instead of your own ones only Removed: Sad Face Icon in 404 pages, replaced with attention icon Fixed: Firefox homepage alignment issue Added: placeholder image for listings without images in search results Added: Search Button + Popup In Taxonomy Pages Added: Listings Location Map will now display markers from listings category Added: Ability to submit tags for listings on frontend Added: Ability to display single category listings in homepage sidebar  Added: Ability to swap popup read-more and listing link to website link of the listing Added: Map Widget now hides POI when option enabled  Atlas Updated Files  style.css /framework/fields/theme_options.php /template-password-recovery.php /content-single-listing.php /includes/theme-graph.php /includes/search-listings.php /taxonomy-listings_categories.php /taxonomy-listings_location.php /404.php /content-single-result.php /framework/functions/theme-functions.php /includes/map-taxonomy.php /framework/fields/listings_post.php /framework/theme-setup.php /includes/custom-tabs.php /framework/listings/theme-specific.php  Hangar Plugin Updated Files  /bundled/hangar-theme-widgets/widget-listing-map.php /bundled/hangar-theme-shortcodes/ 

Update v1.4.3 November 14 2013

 Fixed: search results map displaying wrong map when autofit disabled Fixed: search results map not adjusting zoom when option is set in admin Updated: maps now are capable of skipping listings when they do not have an address Added: Child themes now can override listings fields  Updated File /includes/map-loader.php /includes/map-taxonomy.php /includes/map-single.php template-search-results.php style.css (updated theme version only)  Child Theme Update: child theme now requires file into the child theme folder copy the file from parent theme and follow the same folder path and paste it inside the child theme.  /framework/fields/listings_post.php 

Update v1.4.2 November 12 2013

 Fixed: taxonomy map displaying wrong place Fixed: taxonomy zoom not taking effect  Updated File /includes/map-taxonomy.php  

Update v1.4.1 November 11 2013

 Fixed: listings marker hidden on homepage Fixed: homepage not displaying content when places api is loaded Fixed: homepage not displaying content when homepage builder + custom search fields builder are being used Updated: ACF Core updated to the latest version. 

Update v1.4 November 8 2013

You must also update the “Hangar” plugin and the “TDP Memberships & Listings” Plugin in order to complete the update process otherwise you won’t see all the new features.

 Added: option to set street view in single listing display map Added: option to disable Google's POI Added: "nofollow" to all listings external links Added: all listings links now open in new tab Added: changed class of user area buttons in homepage Added: listings are now available in rss feeds Added: Listings Page View's graph in listings dashboard page Added: Advanced Search Form Fields Builder (no more coding) Added: Term Of Service Box on registration page Added: Support For Google Places Api Added: Search by address, zipcode, city on advanced search form Added: Link to buddypress profile in listings details widget Added: page with all listings from author on buddypress member page Added: Recovery Password Page (no more wp-recovery) Added: map view in search results Added: Grid view support for search results. Fixed: issue when slider now showing in taxonomy fixed: featured listings custom tab displaying all listings not just featured ones fixed: print invoice showing non relevant elements updated localization file with new strings fixed: marker for child categories display marker of parent category fixed: issue with skin editor displaying blue line in header fixed: "already have an account" link in membership checkout page fixed: crash of google map if listing address had the ' symbol in it  === List of updated files ===   style.css taxonomy-listings_categories.php taxonomy-listings_location.php /framework/fields/theme_options.php /includes/map-single.php /includes/map-loader.php /includes/map-taxonomy.php /includes/custom-tabs.php /includes/default-tabs.php /includes/popup-content.php /includes/listing-tab1.php /framework/functions/theme-setup.php /framework/listings/theme-specific.php /js/jquery.flot.min.js /js/jquery.flot.stack.min.js /includes/theme-graph.php /framework/functions/frontend_dashboard.php /includes/search-listings.php member-listings.php template-password-recovery.php template-login.php template-search-results.php content-single-result-grid.php  Update hangar plugin and tdp membership & listings plugin.  

Update v1.3.3 November 1 2013

 Added: users will now have access only to their media files uploaded Added: users are now locked out of the WP Admin Fixed: issue when listing category description wasn't displaying when a listing had multiple categories. Fixed: an issue when fields not displaying in single page because of fields restrictions applied through membership Fixed: issue with featured marker in taxonomy map view Fixed: search images overlapping in search sidebar Fixed: disable breadcrumb option not working Fixed: homepage spacing when topbar removed  Updated Files:  style.css taxonomy-listings_categories.php taxonomy-listings_location.php template-search-results.php single-listing.php includes/map-taxonomy.php framework/functions/listings/theme-specific.php 

Update v1.3.3 October 28 2013

 Fixed: an issue with redirections after a listing is submitted from frontend. Added: better breadcrumb integration, the theme is now compatible with the Breadcrumb navxt plugin.   Updated Theme Files   style.css template-submit-listing.php framework/fields/listings_post.php /framework/functions/theme-functions.php /framework/required_plugins.php 


Update v1.3.2 October 25 2013
 Fixed: wpml language switcher was hidden Fixed: mobile menu has been improved Fixed: css font issue with membership frontend pages Fixed: issue when trying to update wordpress version Fixed: image attachment template php error Fixed: admin bar theme options link is was wrong Fixed: map in taxonomy is now hidden when no listings found Fixed: replaced taxonomy not found search form with listings search form Fixed: claim listing custom text not displaying Fixed: apostrophe letters issue Fixed: issue with accent letters Fixed: fifth image not displaying in listing lightbox Fixed: featured listing single marker displaying normal icon instead of featured. Added: search results page now displays search form if no results found Added: ability to disable map autofit Added: Ability to adjust zoom when autofit disabled Added: ability to adjust zoom when geolocation has found user Added: ability to set custom start point for the map Added: New tab into "Theme Options" page to manage options above Added: new options page to manage search fields Added: ability to disable each search field  List of updated files :   header.php style.css /framework/fields/theme_options.php functions.php /framework/functions/theme-functions.php /css/responsive.css /js/custom.js template-search-results.php /framework/functions/required_plugins.php /includes/map-loader.php /framework/functions/theme-setup.php /taxonomy-listings_categories.php /taxonomy-listings_location.php /content-single-result.php /content-listing-list-view.php /content-listing-list-grid.php /content-single-listing.php /includes/map-single.php  TDP Listings & Membership Plugin Files Update  /css/tdp-frontend.css 

Update v1.3.1 October 21 2013

 Fixed: Issues with Internet Explorer 10 

Update v1.3 October 19 2013

 Added: website field automatically display http:// Added: search form page template you can now display an internal page with the search form Added: BuddyPress plugin support Added: Ability to restrict fields access per membership Added: New area in theme options panel called "Fields Restrictions"  Added: New sidebar for buddypress pages Added: when listings information aren't available the label is automatically hidden.  Fixed: Issue with JetPack plugin preventing user to modify his profile details from frontend. Fixed: updated translation strings in profile plugin. Fixed: missing translation strings for membership plugin Fixed: updated translation files for membership plugin Fixed: driving locations information not displaying Fixed: listings rating stars alignment on mobile Fixed: accent colors staying blue when changing skin Fixed: issue when multiple listings have same address and marker overlapping hiding the other ones. Fixed: Error message when deleting listings from frontend. Fixed: wpml displaying error message when deleting listings from frontend  Modified Files  /framework/fields/listings_post.php /includes/listing-drivingdirections.php /css/responsive.css/ /includes/top-single.php /css/skin2.css /css/skin3.css /css/skin4.css /css/skin5.css /css/skin6.css /css/skin7.css /includes/map-loader.php /framework/fields/theme_options.php /template-search-page.php /style.css /functions.php /framework/functions/core-functions.php buddypress.php /framework/fields/theme_options.php /framework/functions/listings/theme-specific.php /includes/listing-tab1.php /template-search-results.php 

Update v1.2.4 October 16 2013

 Added: Sample Child Theme Performance Improvements Removed unused functions anymore Fixed an issue with paginations in archive, listings and index  Modified files: archive.php index.php category.php single.php page.php single-listing.php style.css /framework/core-functions.php/  

Update v1.2.2 October 15 2013

 Fixed: an issue with paginations in normal pages Fixed: shortcodes not being recognized in custom homepage tab generator Fixed: alignment issue of accordions in homepage tabs generator Fixed: Clusters blinking effect not working in Firefox, Opera, IE 

Update v1.2.1 October 13 2013

 Added: new translation strings to default .po/.mo files Added: prevent users to access wp-admin Fixed: can't close map popup on mobile  Fixed: issue with submission fields being untranslatable Fixed: Breadcrumb link in search results Fixed: issue with homepage sidebar on iPad 4th Gen Fixed: an issue with the layout of custom tabs on homepage Fixed: a logic error into the system that prevents users posting from frontend. Fixed: an issue preventing users to delete listings from frontend Fixed: a logic error into the pagination system   Updated Files template-search-results.php style.css functions.php /css/responsive.css /includes/map-loader.php template-submit-listing.php /framework/functions/frontend_dashboard.php /framework/functions/theme-functions.php /framework/functions/core-functions.php /taxonomy-listings_categories.php /taxonomy-listings_locations.php /framework/functions/listings/theme-specific.php 

Update v1.2 October 11 2013

 Fixed: Theme Options Panel not displaying correct theme version Fixed: Performance improvements Fixed: Listing title overlapping on mobile view Fixed: Review submit form fields outside of container in mobile view Fixed: RTL general alignments Fixed: Responsive view single listing tabs layout Fixed: WordPress admin bar layout issues on homepage Fixed: Firefox profile widget login buttons too long Fixed: Send to a friend form missing name in email Added: Featured listings will now show at the top of the list Added: Nextend Facebook Connect Plugin support for Facebook Login/Registration Added: Facebook login/registration integration in login page template Added: Facebook login/registration integration in TDP - Profile Widget Added: Automatic Theme Updates & Notifications Added: New Theme Options Panel Page to setup your Envato credentials in order to update the theme. Added: Facebook OpenGraph Support Added: Google Rich Snippets Metadata for Reviews Added: bbPress Plugin Support with custom skin Added: Search Form In Homepage Sidebar Tabs Added: Search Form Module in Homepage Tabs Customizer ( in theme options panel ) Added: LayerSlider support in listings category pages Added: Custom social profiles for each listing  ==== List of Theme updated files ==== style.css /framework/functions/required_plugins.php default.mo/.po template-login.php /includes/listings-tab4.php comments.php content-single-listing.php functions.php rev-comments.php single-listing.php template-edit-listing.php template-submit-listing.php /includes/listing-tab1.php /includes/listing-tab3.php /includes/top-single.php /framework/functions/core-functions.php /framework/functions/frontend_dashboard.php /framework/functions/theme-customizer.php /framework/functions/theme-functions.php /framework/functions/theme-setup.php /framework/fields/listings_post.php /css/responsive.css taxonomy-listings_location.php taxonomy-listings_categories.php /framework/fields/theme-options.php /includes/default-tabs.php /includes/custom-tabs.php /framework/functions/theme-updates.php Added new folder /framework/functions/envato-wordpress-toolkit-library  === List Of Plugins Updated Files === /wp-content/plugins/hangar/bundled/hangar-theme-widgets/widgets/widgets-listings-profile.php 

Update v1.1.3 October 09 2013

 Fixed: an issue preventing normal users to upload images from the front-end. Added: a new user role is required for normal users to post listings from the front-end Added: user role "Listing Contributor" has been added  Files updated style.css /framework/functions/theme-setup.php 

Update v1.1.2 October 08 2013

 Fixed: an issue when adding custom fields to a listing.  Files updated style.css /includes/listing-tab3.php 

Update October 07 2013

 Fixed: missing strings in plugin translation files. 

Update v1.1.1 October 06 2013

 Added: missing translation strings in .po/.mo files Fixed: an issue when adding listings from the back-end the categories wouldn't update to the correct one. 

Update v1.1 October 04 2013

 Fixed: Claim Listing Form H1 changed to H4 for better SEO performances Fixed: Search Form H1 changed to H4 for better SEO performances  Fixed: Listing Title and content overlapping image in responsive viewport less than 940px Fixed: Listings change display mode buttons overlapping in responsive viewport less than 940px Fixed: Issue with safari not display listings tabs correctly Fixed: Issue with geolocation preventing marker popups to open Fixed: an issue with translations, the .mo/.po files now have to be placed within the theme directory.  Added: Theme is now full WPML Compatible Added: WPML Language Switcher in header Added: Option to enable language switcher in header Added: You can now add images into the header topbar Added: Shake animation to homepage sidebar close/open button Added: Driving Directions Tab Into Single Listing Page Added: Option to enable driving directions  Added: Ability to upload videos to listing Added: Upload Video Fields in front-end submission form Added: Videos can be changed from the front-end listings edit form Added: Listings Images Tab renamed to Media Added: submission fields are now translatable Added: updated .po/.mo files with new translatable strings Added: Listings Categories and Listings Locations Widget will now display child categories in a dropdown menu when hover parent item Added: A default message in the header for registered users without a membership Added: WordPress admin bar is hidden for normal users on the front-end Added: Facebook Login Integration Plugin for the homepage sidebar login form Added: RTL Support  List of files changed /framework/fields/theme_options.php /css/skin2.css /css/skin3.css /css/skin4.css /css/skin5.css /css/skin6.css /css/skin7.css /includes/theme-claimingform.php /includes/search-listings.php /js/custom.js /functions/listings/theme-specific.php /includes/listing-drivingdirections.php /content-single-listing.php /css/shortcodes.css /functions/fields/listings_post.php /header.php default.mo default.po /includes/default-tabs.php /includes/custom-tabs.php /css/responsive.css /rtl.css /framework/functions/theme-setup.php /includes/map-loader.php /header.php 


Images have been purchased on photodune, therefore they are not available with the downloadable package. Marker images can be found here http://www.webiconset.com/map-icons/


Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/atlas-directory-listings-premium-wordpress-theme/5736374?WT.oss_phrase=&WT.oss_...
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