Simply upload an image to your post and put the image directly at the top of your post editor. Let Authadox do the rest of the work for you!
To insert an image in to your post, simply press CTRL + Shift + I on your keyboard, or use the following markdown code:
![Image Description](
I am now 100% dedicated to support and building themes! Of you require help, please contact me via my profile page. Alternatively, you can e-mail support. This is provided in the documentation. Don’t forget to check the FAQ on this page for any common questions! I will be constantly updating this with information to make your experience as enjoyable as possible.
Version: 1.0
Version: 1.1 (Updated 3/02/14)
- Responsive code blocks. - Minor CSS tweaks. - Ghost 0.5 readiness. - Fix media queries on responsive text. - Update documentation. - Fixed global iframe target height. - Remove JS .hide() functions and support it via CSS. - RSS integration. - Possibility of displaying tags, though originally removed.