Baiuca is a restaurant / food Drupal 7 theme based on bootstrap. It is 100% responsive, easy and simple to edit and adaptable to any type of restaurant. Created with an installation profile and custom content types for easier management by non-technical users, including “menu” content type to easily display all your dishes in different layouts.
Color customization, 4 different out-of-the-box demo profiles with custom content and colors, custom menu pages, a wide set of fonts to choose from (Google fonts), Hundreds of icons provided with the fontawesome API, 3 Blog types (3 column, 4 column and masonry), 4 Menu pages (2 column, 3 column, 4 column) and also a featured “menu” section on the homepage, Accordion effects, Tooltips, Popovers, Progress bars, Alert messages, Fuild grid system and much more
The theme also includes installation instructions (including 4 videos explaing how install on a new or existing site) and also instructions on how to use every feature on the them like adapting background images, creating content, setting up blog items etc..
Inspired on the portuguese word “Baiuca” which is a small type of traditional restaurant this theme includes 4 out of the box demos : bakery, pizzeria, sushi and greek food.
Images in the demonstration pages are NOT INCLUDED in the theme.
24 August 2014Fixed ckeditor issues