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Bar + Grill is a responsive WordPress Restaurant Theme first and foremost. You can use it for other projects, of course, but we specifically created this one with restaurants, pubs, and small local businesses in mind.
Always loaded with the freshest, most stable version of Visual Composer!
Built on the Mythology Engine, a brand new WP theme system that seeks to cut down the time it takes to launch a custom site exponentially.
Bar + Grill comes with tons of features and the ability to support loads of different plugins that’ll make it just right for your project… here’s just a taste:
Create your own custom layouts using over 30 different content modules ranging from image-sliders to text blocks to videos and maps. Visual Composer is the most popular visual editor available to WordPress and it’s bundled in the theme. Updates are be included for free with each theme-version update.
Try typing in the searchbar (in the sidebar or on the “tophat”). The Live Search feature allows users to instantly skim your site for relevant material without every loading another page.
The premiere slider plugin for WordPress – completely overhauled with a brand new, vastly improved user interface that blows the older versions of this plugin out of the water. The new Revolution Slider is, quite simply, the best slider we’ve ever had the priveledge of using. Updates are be included for free with each theme-version update.
We re-wrote our entire theme-base from scratch to include the latest, most relevant HTML elements and tags to allow for the best possible search engine results.
The entire theme has been fully internationalized and prepped for your language translation. Just follow the usual translation process and the theme will do the rest.
This might be the first theme you encounter that actually advertises LESS features. We’ve pulled out every redundant, confusing, or buggy feature from our old theme framework and boiled down this theme to the least amount of complexity possible. Think of it as a Zen Garden in theme format.
Use the integrated Google Fonts library to see instant Live-Previews of how your site looks with any font you want before you hit “Publish”. If Google Fonts aren’t enough, we integrate seamlessly with Typekit,, and other popular services.
Got something custom that you want to drop in? Simple. Just drop them into our theme control panel and the theme will do the rest of the work for you.
Our goal is to deliver a theme that anyone can use & customize, without any need for 24/7 customer support or long-winded documentation manuals. You can import our theme demo content if you want a head start, but the theme has truly been designed to be answer any of your questions as you use it, so don’t fret if you don’t know how to code.
Our code is clean, organized, and well commented. Everything has it’s rightful place in this theme, and making advanced customizations to templates, stylesheets, and functions has never been easier.
We were one of the first theme crews to dabble in ‘responsive design’ way back in the day… so we know a thing or two about how to do this properly. Fluid grids are used at larger breakpoints, and fixed widths are used on smaller devices to ensure ideal spacing. The type size shifts on smaller devices to be larger and easier to read, and images and other media are sandboxed to prevent anything from breaking the layout.
The problem with Pixels are, they absolutely do-not-scale in Internet Explorer. Furthermore, with the onset of Responsive Web Design, having fonts that scale (in relation to the screen width) has become paramount. Percentages (%) and EM’s are better, but they’re tricky and compound. Still not an answer. A real solution? Use the REM. (Source – Greg Rickaby)
A pretty handy plugin if you plan on using our integrated blog template (or just using this theme as a standard WP blog, which we encourage!!!). Posts load as you scroll down the page. Fully customizable to perform as you need it to.
Nearly all of JetPack works well with this theme (the Tiled Galleries are the only exception since those aren’t responsive) – if you want to start using the next level of WordPress functionality, you’ll get it here.
Yep. WooCommerce is enabled on this theme, which means you can use it to sell stuff like shirts, gift cards, or anything else you can dream up. This theme isn’t focused on custom shop design, but WooCommerce does a TON of amazing stuff out of the box and this theme will work seamlessly with it.
This theme has been built on the Mythology Engine, a foundation theme from MDNW that has the primary goal of creating the fastest site launch process possible. It does this in a few ways:
Less is truly more. We’ve stripped all skinning options from our primary theme control panel in order to create a swift, responsive, uncluttered way to manage the key aspects of the theme. This is what the admin panel looks like:
We cut out the bloat. The full set of options includes:
In addition to the Theme Options panel, this theme also integrates a handful of Page & Post options that allow your to override any global rules for that one page or post. These panels will show up on any Page or Post editor, underneath the basic content editor. In the event that they do not appear, make sure that you have enabled them from the top-right “Screen Options” panel. These panels will allow you to override theme-level options on individual pages and posts.
Eliminate the guesswork from customizing the theme. Built on the WP Theme Customizer API with some special tricks blended in, you can change just about every typographic or color across the entire theme… there’s no need to reload the page on the front-end though – the Theme Customizer will show you an instant preview of what your changes look like right there on the same screen.
Here’s what the panel looks like:
The full library of Google Fonts is included in the Theme Customizer (and yes, live-preview works on the font-faces too). Just open up the customize panel and start playing!
Perfect for restaurants, pubs, sushi, fine dining, bar & grills, bakery, cupcakes, wine, doctor’s offices, lawyers, food blogs, design studios, print shops, seafood, coffee shops, mexican, steakhouse, pizza, italian, white table cloth, local, open table businesses, yelp businesses, and lots more!
/**************************/ CHANGELOG : BAR + GRILL /**************************/ VERSION 1.0.8 -- 7/18/2014 - Updated Mythology Core to 1.0.9. - Several general usability and core-organization improvements. - Core now loads Visual Composer and Revolution Slider to make moving & updating the core easier. - We've also made some progress towards allowing users to manually update the core (and plugins) on their own rather than having to wait for official theme updates. The core is updated a lot more frequently than individual theme versions, so this is good! - All plugin versions updated. Existing users can update them manually with the plugin-zip files in the provided Resources folder. - Patched the issue with the new Body BG image/color ONLY filling the header space. It now fills the header and the content area. VERSION 1.0.7 -- 6/12/2014 - Updated Mythology Core to 1.0.7. - The plugin "updater" feature that we added in last version of the core proved to be unstable on some setups... We'll continue working on this, but for now, just manually update all of the pre-packaged plugins (Visual Composer and Revolution Slider.) VERSION 1.0.6 -- 6/10/2014 - Updated Mythology Core to 1.0.6. - Updated all packaged theme plugins - Thanks to the Mythology-Core update, they are now updateable from inside the dashboard! VERSION 1.0.5 -- 5/28/2014 - Updated Mythology Core to 1.0.5. - Updated the bundled plugins for Visual Composer & Revolution Slider. - THEME OPTIONS: Added a new "Skin Builder" section that allows for skinning individual layout elements. VERSION 1.0.4 -- 5/20/2014 - Updated Mythology Core to 1.0.4. - Updated the bundled plugins for Visual Composer & Revolution Slider. - Updated version numbers for the other bundled plugins. VERSION 1.0.3 -- 4/23/2014 - Updated the bundled plugins for Visual Composer & Revolution Slider. VERSION 1.0.2 -- 4/16/2014 - More CSS patches for the WooCommerce Store templates. -- Minus sign for add-to-cart. -- Mobile phone grid-view now displays items at 100% width instead of trying to fit them into a 3-wide grid. VERSION 1.0.1 -- 4/15/2014 - Added some CSS patches for the WooCommerce Store templates. VERSION 1.0 - original gangsta /**************************/ ROADMAP FEATURES /**************************/ ** These are currently features that I'm seriously considering... there is no timeline for their release, and there's always the chance that they just won't happen for one reason or another. That said, if I'm logging it here, it's because I've probably already considered it seriously and I believe that there's a reasonably good chance that it will happen in the near future. ** - Advanced Responsive Store Features - Additional Menu Templates (both WordPress & Print!)