Barnelli supports Wordpress 3.9
Visiting a restaurant is an experience, so visiting your website should be as well.
April 17, 2014 * Wordpress 3.9 ready * Home Full Screen Video / Self Hosted and Youtube (autoplay, repeat, mute) * Dynamic Page Loading on/off * Events Date supports Wordpress date format settings * Multiple Addresses/Markers Contact Template * Updated translate file and WPML config * Lots of small bug fixes...
March 28, 2014 * Revolution Slider Update (manual update required, Remove current plugin version, upload from includes/plugins directory) * fixed navigation menu customization (font size and color) * added further navigation menu customization (menu line style color and menu color opacity) * added solid background color option for Restaurant page * added further Restaurant page customization (font face, font size for title and subtitle) * fixed WPML icons visibility on mobile devices * fixed link styles (CSS) * added full width template for static pages * slight admin reorder * custom sidebar position for pages * turn on/off author, data, categories and tags for archives and posts * fixed date in restaurant events * pdf/doc/odt djax link fix * other minor fixes and improvements March 24, 2014 * Revolution slider plugin update * djax / menu fix on IE9 browser * scroll fix on IE * minor CSS fixes March 20, 2014 * reservation validation fix * tons of new social icons, yelp included! * option to open social profile in new window * use browser default scrollbar * option to make scroll always visible * use html in contact page * console logs causing problem on IE removed * yopress layout small fixes and improvements * main navigation submenu fix * food menu font customization fix * choose to have sidebar on pages * text only version for navigation menu * other minor bug fixes March 14, 2014 * Fixed revolution slider url in plugin installer (oops) * Fixed event calendar query * Fixed css wrapper names * Added misssing wpml stirngs in contact page March 13, 2014 * Reveolution slider premium plugin (save $19) * Scrollbar customizations * Main Menu navigation font customizations * Minor bug fixes March 7, 2014 *Reservation Page Improvements *Scroll Fix (mobile and web) *Mobile Menu Fix (3 levels now) *Mobile Menu Open/Close Option *Mobile Menu link atribute added *Food Menu Photo Grid Style no Pictures Option *Mobile Arrow Link Supports WPML *Better Image Responsiveness Fix *Bigger Logo on Mobile Devices *Choose Scroll Color for Home and Food Menu *Theme Updater in yopress *Map as Restaurant Mosaic Element *Custom Code as Restaurant Mosaic Element *Food Menu Category Description *Fixed Padding in Contact Page *System Info Added *Small Layout Improvements *Other Bug Fixes March 3, 2014 * contact/reservation form captcha fix * food menu columns fix * default placeholdit for foodmenus fix February 27, 2014 * Event calendar / agenda * Captcha for reservation and contact page * Contact/Reservation messages templates improvements * Further opening hours functions * Solid background color picker for menu pages * Target blank for link function in restaurant mosaic blocks * Better video for restaurant mosaic blocks * Background image loop fix * Theme works with older PHP (5.2) * Map fix * Icon size fix * iPad responsive images fix * WPML integration fix February 21, 2014 * WMPL support, * Custom Multiple Food Menus (Lunch, Dinner, Deserts etc.), * Slider Customization (animations and easing type), * Responsiveness Fixes (image, food menu), * IE fixes (loading spinner), * Time Format Fix (pm / 24h), * Define Blog Category of Your Choice, * Restaurant Builder Customization Options (bg colors, font colors, etc), * Opening Hours ( ie. afternoon or evening times), * Custom CSS, * More Social Share Options, * New Nav Menu Style Option, * Plenty bug fixes... February 13, 2014 * Main menu font and colors customization * Scrollbar customizations * Fixed favicon * Added Revolution slider * Minor bug fixes February 10, 2014 * Fixed link in slider * Fixed Loader spinner in IE10/11 * Now You can choose Blog feed category February 8, 2014 * Added 12h/24h time format in restaurant openings * Fixed bug in block widget February 7, 2014 * Fixed class autoloader (Error with open_basedir restriction) * Fixed 40x40 icon problem