Bedford is responsive portfolio theme that enables you to beautifully showcase your work on any device.
Its layout based on flexible Grid system, it is Retina-ready and produce valid modern HTML5 markup.
Bedford is suitable for Artists, Photographers, Freelancers and many types of small businesses.
It comes with simple drag and drop Page Builder and provides fields and options to easily modify individual entries styling.
########################################## Bedford Wordpress Theme - CHANGELOG ########################################## Bedford 1.3, 2014-10-13 -------------------------- - Responsive menu: Fix problem in safari on iOS8 that caused open menu to collapse on scrolling File modified - bedford/js/plunins-and-functions.js - Galleries in posts: Automatically attach Bedford style lightbox to images is standard WP post galleries. This behaviour attached to images wrapped with link to media file. Also added to jetPack plugin "Tiled Gallery". Also supports standard WP galleries and also to tiled jetpack gallery. File modified - bedford/js/plunins-and-functions.js - Masonry Portfolio page: Display portfolio categories animated filter. Change page template name to reflect the change. Files added - bedford/page-templates/masonry-portfolio.php - Portfolio Categories: Style single portfolio category page same as "Portfolio - Square Thumbs Grid" Files added - bedford/taxonomy-portfolio-category.php - bedford/templates/portfolio-filters-simple.php - Embedded Video: 1. In single portfolio item, handle the situation of video only without images attachments. 2. Added support for fluid-video-embeds plugin. File modified - bedford/post-content/content-portfolio-item-rows.php - bedford/style.css , icons section. - Content Box teasers: 1. Force square thumbs boxes to contain, by default, 280x280 px square images. Files modified - various content-box templates. 2. Fix old safari versions to not to show white empty title and sub title. File modified - bedford/style.css - Comment Form: Remove "*" character from "Website field that is not "required". File modified - bedford/functions.css - Plugin, Rcoil Portfolio Item Post Type: Allow full set of editor buttons instead of limitted, in portfolio item description field. File modified - rcoil-portfolio-item-post-type.php inside Bedford 1.2, 2014-09-20 -------------------------- - Single portfolio item: 1. Allow video embed field to show up in columns and slider displays. 2. Improve potential shortcode execution in item description field. 3. Allow display of custom details and labels. 4. Add, to singe item, option for grid display. 5. Slider now has flexible height to eliminate cropping of vertical images in slider. - CSS: The responsive breakpoint that remove navigation from sidebar changed to be 959px instead of 1229px. - Updated bedford.pot this file contains all the text strings used within Bedford, ready to create .po & .mo in any language. - CHANGELOG.txt file added. Bedford 1.1, 2014-08-29 -------------------------- - Remove leftover debug code that occasionally displayed undesired PHP array. Bedford 1.0, 2014-08-28 --------------------------- - Initial release
Original awesome design & behaviour: PPandP.