Biopic is a minimalist, elegant and responsive resume html5 template which is suitable for using it as a vcard, small personal portfolios, photographers, wedding journals etc. It works on all devices from desktop to tablets to smartphones. It is not just a responsive template but as well as an adaptive template because it hides the blog sidebar when viewed on a smartphone. It also has regular blog page which you wouldn’t find in most of the resume templates. Credits: The images in the live preview has been used from dribbble but not included in the downloadable package.
Biopic is a minimalist, elegant and responsive resume html5 template which is suitable for using it as a vcard, small personal portfolios, photographers, wedding journals etc. It works on all devices from desktop to tablets to smartphones. It is not just a responsive template but as well as an adaptive template because it hides the blog sidebar when viewed on a smartphone.
It also has regular blog page which you wouldn’t find in most of the resume templates.