The Bistro Store WordPress theme is a custom design, clean and modern eCommerce WordPress theme built for flexibility. This theme builded with WP e-Commerce, HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap 2.3.2! Bistro Store comes with custom page templates (homepage, portfolio, membership page), unlimited sidebars, unlimited color combinations, fully responsive (compatible all mobile devices like: tablet, mobile phone, laptops etc.
If you are looking user friendly WordPress e-commerce theme, the Bistro Store ideal for you. This theme comes with advanced theme option panel, built-in revolution slider (15$ value), custom product sliders, custom single product and portfolio pages, social media and search engine optimized, special offers module (daily deals), 10+ custom widgets, special footer modules and more. Let’s take a look at all the features.
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1) Updated version of Visual Composer included 2) Updated version of Revolution Slider is included
1) sidebar issue on blog page is fixed. 2) Pagination issue on product page with permalink issues is fixed 3) deleting products from header cart issue is fixed
1) javascript error fixed from image uploader in theme options 2) variation dropdown issue is fixed 3) compatible with wp-ecommerce 4) updated version of revolution slider is included 5) visual composer included
Wordpress 3.8 Compatible Variations are not working on product detail page is fixed Filteration on Product page and product category are fixed now Add to Cart button on product page is fixed
Variations are not working on product detail page is fixed Shipping calculator is not showing while enabled from settings is fixed PHp notices on add/edit product page is removed
registration form password field error is fixed regiration form submission validation issue is fixed email was not shouted on registration is fixed php notice on scalar value can not stored in Session is fixed
ie8 and ie9 compatible files included color scheme issues are resolved new data.xml file is included fancy notification issue is fixed
Js error in shortcode Inserter is fixed. tpl-register.php is updated to get privacy policy page from backend. Color Scheme cookies has removed.