Book Your Travel – Online Booking WordPress Theme is a responsive WordPress Theme ideal for booking portals, travel agencies, hotels, bed and breakfasts, guest houses, villas, etc. or travel blogs, but it would suit for any business with slight customizations.
- Resolved issues with registration/confirmation mails not being sent on register - Added ability to synchronize review counts/scores from Reviews tab in Theme options (bottom of Reviews tab) - Fixed issue with reviews not showing correct rating scores (admin must also run Sync reviews action mentioned above at least for this to then work). - Grid view / list view switch resize fluid items fix - Fixed reorder dynamic tabs and fields in options issue - Fixed hardcoded table names in accommodations.php - Resolved issue of duplicate terms being created in woocommerce - Updated language files with latest translatable terms - Fixed issue with comma in address on contact map - Fixed issue with cruise schedules - Fixed issue with inquiry and review buttons not working
- fixed leftover bug in functions.php and single-tour.php - hide hotels/self catered count if accommodations are not enabled
- Added cruises and cabins data type / scheduling - Added Front end accommodation/room type/vacancy submission - Added new page templates for front end listing and submitting accommodations, room types and vacancies - Content contributing user registration mode - Removed type archive list page templates, and instead added type parameter in admin for reach of hotel, self catered, car rental, tour, cruise list pages. - Dynamic review fields for tours/accommodations/cruises editable/addable/removable from admin - Dynamic extra fields for tours/accommodations/cruises editable/addable/removable from admin - Dynamic tabs for tours/accommodations/cruises editable/addable/removable from admin - Revamp of options admin page - General code refactoring - Upgraded WooCommerce templates to 2.2.4
- Fixed image photo dimensions issue
- Updated sample data - Various small css issues fixed
- Revolution slider added. Removed old, buggy sequence slider. Note: your old slides will be lost. You must activate revolution slider and create new slider. You must then create new slides and go to Theme options and select new slider under Home page tab. - End date added to repeated tour schedules. Repeated tours can now be scheduled with end date in mind so that seasonal prices can be set for repeated tours. - Fixed issue with cart is empty for WooCommerce - Group price supported implemented for tours - Vacancy issues resolved for when multiple languages are used - User rating filter removed when reviews are disabled via theme options - Search by location fix implemented - Pager last page issue resolved for all paged templates
Files changed: Please see changelog.txt that is included in your downloaded file.
- Search only accommodations with valid vacancies now fixed. - Issue of sort by rating/stars is now fixed - RTL support added
Files changed: Please see changelog.txt that is included in your downloaded file.
- Fixed so that WooCommerce order creation does not delete booking - Vacancies/Hotels were appearing once for each language when multiple languages installed. This has been fixed.
Files changed: Please see changelog.txt that is included in your downloaded file.
- Updated Sample Content
Files changed: Please see changelog.txt that is included in your downloaded file.
- Theme options are now WPML compatible - with help of wpml-config.xml - Click on inquiry form cancel button now properly closes inquiry form - Admin can now enable/disable captcha via theme options - Single location page now has a gallery of images using jquery.lightSlider - Website null issue has been resolved in contact page map - Custom tables are now utf-8 compatible so non-latin text can be entered and used without problems. - Admin can now enable/disable reviews via theme options - WPML booking/vacancy/schedule compatibility was rechecked - WooCommerce calculation issues resolved - if first X children are free etc. - Single accommodation/tour/car rental - if fields are blank, labels are no longer shown - Admin can now specify multiple contact email addresses for propreties by separating them with semi-colon (";") - Google map issue, where you click on Location tab, then click away, then click back to Location tab, does not rerender map properly resolved - WooCommerce booking details are now translatable - Missing translations in admin added - Booking is now properly deleted if item is removed from WooCommerce cart - Search only valid tours/car rentals now implemented. Option added to Searching tab in theme options - Multiple redundant functions removed - Code revamped, improved and optimized throughout the theme - Css layout issues fixed
Files changed: Please see changelog.txt that is included in your downloaded file.
- Tours not displaying prices fix
Files changed: Please see changelog.txt that is included in your downloaded file.
- Tour/accommodation/car rental bookings can now be added and updated via admin dashboard. - Captcha has been added to registration form and registration ligthbox - Registration form issue with wysia newsletter plugin fixed when new users are registered. - Car rental when number of cars available has been exceeded, booking is no longer possible. - Accommodations, car rentals, tours can now be marked as "reservation only", and not processed by woocommerce even when woocommerce is active and used. - Accommodations, car rentals, tours can now be marked as featured. Admin can set on Theme options -> Home page that only featured items get displayed on home page. - Users can now link to tabs on single pages... like and the correct tab will open - Custom templates like Accommodation list archive, Car rental list etc now can display custom content above the list (content that is entered via content editor). - Car rentals, tours, accommodations dipslay lightSlider image gallery on single view with thumbnails and left/right controls. - Accommodation facilities bug where user could not uncheck all facilities and save accommodation has been resolved. - Locations show hotels that belong to their location "children" now. For example, location England will now show all hotels/tours/car rentals that belong to London, Manchester, Liverpool etc. - Updated documentation - Updated preview
Files changed: Please see changelog.txt that is included in your downloaded file.
- Another incompatibility issue fixed
Files changed: Please see changelog.txt that is included in your downloaded file.
- Added css/admin-custom.css so that you can style the admin. - Fixed issue of html breaking on accommodation/tour/car rental lists when html is used inside description. - Added a number of filters and actions (hooks) to many pages in order to improve usability of theme and simplify overrides and reduce requirement of copying entire files to child theme. These filters have been added to documentation for reference. - Added single car rental screen, and single car rental permalink slug to settings. Settings need to be saved and the permalinks need to be flushed in order for this to work and to avoid 404 error. - Improved car rental booking form to be in line with accommodation booking form. - Car booking form now has a flexible dropoff location field. - Improved tour booking form to be in line with accommodation booking form. - Tour booking form now allows multiple people to be booked in one go. - Improved accommodation vacancy and tour schedule calendar by doing ajax calls for vacancy days between month changes in order to improve performance and also allow bookings for future dates for as far ahead as vacancies exist. - Fixed issue with registration lightbox requiring a “agree terms and conditions” checkbox be checked and that checkbox was nowhere to be found. - Added location archive page that lets you specify a location parent (in order to list sub locations). - Added inquiry form to tour single page - Added inquiry form to car rental single page - Adult/child count/pickup location/drop off location are now included in booking emails sent to admin and customer - Various housekeeping tasks (like making overall code more Object oriented) etc. - Fixed WPML issues with vacancies and prices. - php incompatibility issue resolved
Files changed: Please see changelog.txt that is included in your downloaded file.
- Fixed search results issue - Added option to allow people to edit a tour schedule in admin
Files changed: Please see changelog.txt that is included in your downloaded file.
- Fixed booking form children weren't being displayed for hotels bug
Files changed: Please see changelog.txt that is included in your downloaded file.
- Search results issue fixed - Loading animation IE fixed
Files changed: Please see changelog.txt that is included in your downloaded file.
- Login/register lightbox fix (fixed broken jquery) - Fixed booking form counting adult count even when per room mode was chosen.
Files changed: Please see changelog.txt that is included in your downloaded file.
- Price can be set on a per room or per person basis for each accommodation - Added text field for Availability tab description for individual accommodation - Moved calendar to booking form. - Improved pricing table on booking form. - Added "Loading..." feature when pricing table is being repopulated. - Selected default count for adults and children dropdown (1 for adults, 0 for children) - Updated styling - Updated language files - Updated sample data - Updated preview
Files changed: Please see changelog.txt that is included in your downloaded file.
- Removed console.log from js files. - Fixed duplicate room display in single accommodation screen. - Fixed total price issue in non-default currency booking forms.
- Removed console.log from js files. - Fixed duplicate room display in single accommodation screen. - Fixed total price issue in non-default currency booking forms.
- Fixed price related issues
- Fixed currency install bug for new installations - Fixed woocommerce styling
- Woocommerce payment enabled. - Creation of daily, weekday and weekly tour types plus standard by-date tour types. - New way to create schedules for tours and accommodations. - Fixed issue where js files didn't apply to child theme. They do now. - Extra info for tours/car rentals now not reliant on whether accommodations are enabled or disabled. - Labels for meta boxes in admin are now translatable. - Multiple currency issues resolved. - Tour type and car rental archive pages added. - Latest car rentals can now be added to home page. - DB size of prices increased to 14 digits plus 2 decimals to accommodation currencies with large values. - User account page fields editable again. - Rates table added to accommodation booking form. - When review is deleted scores are updated to account for delete review. - Added number of adults and number of children to booking form. - Fixed pager issue on archive pages. - Updated Sample data - Updated Documentation
Please note that this update will delete your existing vacancies.
v3.9.1: 20.03.2014
- Fixed registration page issue. - Fixed admin vacancy and schedule price decimal place support.
v3.9: 15.03.2014
- Slider slides now WPML fully compatible - Fixed currencies conversion to EURO issue - Decimal places saved as 00 in admin now fixed for prices of vacancies and tour schedules - Front page now validates in HTML validator - Fixed image alignment isszue in posts - Fixed image responsiveness in posts
v3.8: 22.02.2014
- Added accommodation type archive page template so that admin can create /accommodations/self-catered/apartments, /accommodations/self-catered/villas pages etc. - Added contact email address for tours and car rental bookings. - Added booking can be sent to specified email address instead to admin - Added simple number sum captcha to booking forms - Added accommodation list template that lists all accommodations (hotels and self-catered). - Added major WPML fix so that accommodations/tours/car rentals are properly listed when translated on multilanguage websites - Added WPML fix so that correct page is pulled up for search results/my account/login/signup pages. - Added fix to entire hide search box if none of the tour/self-catered/hotel/car-rental search options are enabled in theme options - Fixed bug where latest offers on home page was not pulling up theme-options-assigned category posts - Fixed css Chrome button layout bug - Fixed search results bug - Removed couple of other small bugs
v3.7: 13.02.2014
- Replaced css3-mediaquerries.js with respond.js for Internet Explorer crashing issue - Temporarily removed compatibility for IE8
v3.6: 10.02.2014
- Removed jetpack dependence for newsletter. Added mailpoet and mailchimp newsletter styles. - Fixed broken translations where php parameter was passed into translation function by mistake. - Fixed broken currency conversion (dead webservice provider). Added European Central Bank currency xml support. - Added automatic-feed-links support. - Added default content width support. - Remove miscellaneous bugs reported by theme-check plugin. - Added better get_template_part support for accommodation, tour, car_rental and location custom post types. - Added content pagination support. - Adjusted element heights and fixed broken layout on all data-types lists - Updated documentation
v3.5: 30.12.2013
- fixed header navigation bug - upated widget areas
v3.4: 25.12.2013
- added above header and below footer sidebars on all pages. - room meta information (like tax and price description) is now dynamic, no longer hardcoded. - locations and sublocations now correctly show accommodations and tours in single view. - locations and sublocations now correctly show accommodation counts in list view. - fixed room count bug after booking increasing
v3.3: 20.12.2013
- Resolved issue with hotel and room counts not displaying correct on home page. - Search results from and to dates now correctly passed on to single accommodation screen via url. - Fixed issue of booking total price counting number of nights wrong (was always counting 1 night extra). - Allowed html in text fields (pets, credit card info etc.) - Added option to filter by room type in accommodation vacancy admin. - Added button for users to be able to delete all vacancies for accommodations and schedule entries for tours - Added css for more dropdown levels in main menu
v3.2: 10.12.2013
- Added Widget areas : home above slider, home below slider, blog index above posts, blog index below posts - Fixed Sidebar so that on tours and accommodation, the sidebar with description appears regardless of whether the user added another widget or not. - User phone number added to tour, car and accommodation booking forms and confirmation emails. - Single location now properly lists hotels under hotel tab, self-catered under self-catered tabs and also I added tours under tours tabs. - Location list item now shows Hotel and self-catered counts separately.
v3.1: 30.11.2013
- Contact form bug fixed - Header ribbon css z-index issue fixed - Drop down css opacity resolved - Updated language files - Updated Documentation - Bookings send to different email temporarily removed
v3.0: 29.11.2013
- Tours implemented - Tours single screen with review and booking - Tours list page - Latest tour offers - Tour search capability - Bookings send to different email -> admin email to send bookings to now configurable from Data tab in settings. - Noslider class added to homepage when slider is hidden via theme settings. - Facility name now shown instead of facility slug in single accommodation screen. - Contact form bug (no javascript) fixed. - Added support for child theme to allow for upgrade-proof customization. - Updated Documentation - Updated Sample Data - Updated Preview
v2.1: 21.11.2013
- Issue with search not searching for the right accommodations when hotel search is disabled (it should search for self catered). - Issue with room prices being the same when clearly different values are entered (previously code was wrongly showing min price for any room, instead of being room specific).
v2.0: 20.11.2013
- Allow creation of sub locations - Added currency administration page - Added car rental support with archive page and booking system - Added WPML language switcher support. - Allow turning on and off of latest destinations/locations on home page - Added dropdown filter to accommodations vacancy admin screen to allow filtering by accommodation - Fixed character count bug for accommodation description - Fixed vacation rentals calendar issue where switching between months didn't show available vacancies - Fixed Slider bug - Added a navy color theme - Sampe Data update - Documentation update - Preview update
v1.3: 9.11.2013
- Vacation rentals added as a separate entity - Added ability to set posts_per_page for archives and for search results and front page via settings. - Removed hotel archive page (the built in category-archive like page). Instead we have two page templates for which pages need to be created. - Self-catered checkbox added to hotel adding page... if self-catered there are no room types and no room count. - Availability calendar added for vacation rentals - Changed from dead google currency api to new one ( - Option to show all hotels/self-catered or only ones with availability - Removed absolute position on page header on inner pages (fix for bigger logos) - Sampe Data update - Documentation update - Preview update
v1.2.3: 30.10.2013
- Color scheme change logo bug fixed - Color scheme change Data content bug fixed
v1.2.2: 24.10.2013
- New tab in settings dedicated to search results. - Users can now specify search results default view. Default is set to Grid view when installed. - Prices in search results are now dynamic. On the same tab in settings as above, you can now specify price range bottom, price range increment and increment count to determine the prices that are displayed in the form. - You can now specify decimal places to be shown on all pages by going to the settings Data page and setting the decimal places there in drop down. - There is a new field in single hotel called hotel_contact_email. If this is specified, the hotel single page now shows a button in the right hand side under the review button. See the following as an example: - Blog posts have been added to the home page. There is also an option to specify how many posts you want to show here. - Users can now successfully change permalinks of hotels and locations. After change, user must go to Settings->Permalinks and hit save. - Issue with currency symbol not showing right on first load of page has now been fixed. - Heights of hotel descriptions on grid view have also been fixed. - Updated Sample Data - Updated Documentation
v1.2.1: 16.10.2013
- Custom slugs for hotels and locations have been temporarily removed
v1.2: 15.10.2013
- Enhanced currency list (based on all currencies supported by Google currency converter: - Default currency selection in theme settings. - Configurable checkbox list of currencies currently enabled on site (and appearing in toolbar) from theme settings - Configurable speed of slider on home page - Contact form 7 support - Fix of search by not found location which previously showed result (eg search for asdasdsads as reported bug). - Hide "What" field in form if only one set of data is enabled (eg only hotels, or only flights) - Completed booking of vacancy reduces the number of available rooms for that vacancy. Once all rooms are taken, vacancy marked as null. - If a booking (spam) is deleted, that vacancy room_count is returned to original. - Added Accommodation types - so that we can have hotels, lodges, flats etc - Search by accommodation type - Dates allow past dates to be selected bug fix - Booking price total now displayed in booking form instead of the current room price per day. - Allow searching across multiple vacancy dates without prices disappearing (reported bug) - Email sent to user on booking. - Updated Sample data - Updated Documentation - Updated Preview file
v1.1: 30.09.2013
- Some php bug fixes - slider theming css fix
Official release: 26.09.2013