Brazil is a Responsive, Retina-Ready Wordpress theme with a minimalist, simple, elegant and clean style, a strong focus on contents and readability. It presents a modern business solution. Brazil is suitable for multipurpose websites such as business, company, portfolio or blog. It is superbly responsive adapting to any kinds of smart phones and mobile devices. Code is easy to modify and understand so you can personalize it in the easiest way.
Brazil is fully integrated with the visual composer. This awesome page builder lets you to create complex layouts of your pages and posts with simple drag-n-drop interface.
You can create easily any page layout using extended Visual Composer and our flexible shortcodes
v 1.1.3 - 2 October 2014 - Updated: Visual composer plug-in to ver 4.3.4 v 1.1.2 - 2 September 2014 - Fixed: Contact from issue - Updated: Visual composer plug-in to ver 4.3.3 - Updated: Revolution slider plug-in to ver 4.6 v 1.1.1 - 19 August 2014 - Fixed: Visual composer css effects v 1.1.0 - 17 August 2014 - Changed: Demo data importer - Added: None-responsive option - Added: fitvids script - Updated: Visual composer plug-in to ver 4.3.2 - Updated: Templatera plug-in to ver 1.0.5 - Updated: Layer slider plug-in to ver 5.2.0 - Updated: Revolution slider plug-in to ver 4.5.95 - Updated: Demo data xml - Fixed: some minor issues v 1.0.3 - 9 July 2014 - Changed: dynjs.js and dyncss.css - Updated: Demo data xml - Fixed: Sticky menu issue v 1.0.2 - 4 July 2014 - Added: Blog Masonry page template - Fixed: Demo data importer - Fixed: Import demo files in theme options - Fixed: Portfolio timeline excerpt - Fixed: Blog timeline excerpt - Fixed: Masonry jquery enqueue v 1.0.1 - 2 July 2014 - Updated: Demo data importer - Changed: dummy.xml - fixed demo data spacing issue v 1.0.0 – 1 July 2014 - Initial Release