Show off your work with this easy-to-customize and fully featured eCommerce WordPress Theme. When purchasing this theme, you will receive a detailed help file along with additional features like an eCommerce Ready Shop and Responsive Layout.
==v3.0 - 11 September 2014 == -Support added for WooCommerce 2.2.x -Files updated: /global/breadcrumb.php /global/sidebar.php /loop/orderby.php /loop/pagination.php ==v2.9 - 21 August 2014 == -File Updated: /single-products/product-thumbnails.php (Fixed product thumbnail spacing) -File Updated: style.css on line 803 (Fixed product thumbnail border) ==v2.8 - 23 May 2014 == -Updated tablet styles to fix column layout on iPad -Only File Updated - /css/responsive.css ==v2.7 - 19 February 2014 == -Fixed WooCommerce Notices -Removed /myaccount/ folder -Removed /order/ folder -Removed /global/form-login.php -Removed /loop/add-to-cart.php -Removed /single-product/add-to-cart/ folder -Removed /single-product/review.php -Removed /single-product/product-attributes.php ==v2.6 - 11 February 2014 == -Updates for WooCommerce 2.1+ -Updated style.css under section WooCommerce Styles -Added /global/ folder for WooCommerce sidebar -Edited /single-product/product-image.php -Removed single-product-reviews.php file -Remove /cart/ Folder -Remove /checkout/ folder -Removed /single-product/add-to-cart/ folder ==v2.5 - 7 November 2013 == -Updated plugins.js file for the latest version of FitVids Responsive Videos script ==v2.4 - 24 June 2013 == -Updated style.css under navigation section ==v2.3 - 9 May 2013 == -Updated Twitter API and Documentation ==v2.2 - 29 April 2013 == -Updated Star Rating Styling for latest version of WooCommerce ==v2.1 - 18 March 2013 == -Minor Theme Tweaks for WooCoomerce 2.0: Updated Files: homepage.php (sidebar option aded) options.php (sidebar option aded) content-product_cat.php (replace entire file) shortcodes.php /js/plugin.js style.css (New CSS labeled at the bottom of the style.css file) ==v2.0 - 5 March 2013 == -Theme Updated- Compatible with WooCommerce 2.0! ==v1.9 - 1 December 2012 == -Minor My Account CSS Adjustments ==v1.8 - 21 November 2012 == -Updated Print Stylesheet -Removed drop-down from Checkout -Camp Sale icon added on latest products widget -Fixed Cache issues on W3 Total Cache ==v1.7 - 2 November 2nd 2012 == -Updated Portfolio templates with minor changes ==v1.6 - 20 October 2012 == -Minor updates to Theme. -Twitter Widget Update. Replace /js/plugins.js file for Twitter API Update ==v1.5 - 27 September 2012 == -Shortcodes Update: Updated shortcodes.php file. This is to ensure compatibility with third party plugins using the visual editor. ==v1.4 - 27 September 2012 == -Security Patch: We’ve updated the (framework/metaboxes.php) file to patch a security hole. -Translation Update for Missing Header Information (header.php) and new (/lang) folder. ==v1.2-1.3 - 21 September 2012 == -Styling additions have been added to the bottom of the (style.css) file and labeled. ==v1.1 - 23 August 2012 == -Updated ()/single-product/product-image.php) file. This allows for custom images per each attribute. -Also minor (style.css) updates for the additional functionality. I have noted this update at the bottom of the (style.css) file.
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We offer theme support via our support forum. Please post all support questions through our support forum. We reserve the item comments for pre-purchase questions.
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