Mẫu thiết kế web Carell - Real Estate & Car Dealership WP Theme

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Carell v1.8 – 9.26.2014 – This is premium Car Dealership and Real Estate wordpress theme. By purchasing this wordpress theme you will get two wordpress themes in one. Carell is usefull for any kind of Car Dealership business. Realty is developed for any kind of Real Estate business. Premium design, clean and modern.

This theme is completely different from any other theme in this category because you are allowed to fully customize (add, edit, delete) search fields and get full control over the search results trough cars or realties listings. Beside that you have full control over Cars/Realties Details and Equipment custom fields!

  9.26.2014 - Version v1.6 + Visual & Carell WP bug with couple of elements fixed 8.4.2014 - Version v1.6 + Fixed bug with server PHP version, now works with old PHP (less than 5.2.4) too - unexpected error T_function() fixed  

So with Carell all goes in four easy steps for all cars or realties:
  1. Create Details
  2. Create Equipment
  3. Start adding cars or realties
  4. Choose Quick & Advanced Search Fields
You are good to go, really awesome functionality!

This short video is just basic showcase of Visual Composer in combination with Carell, really powerfull!

If you like it rate it!

All credits are in help file.
  8.4.2014 - Version v1.7 + Fixed bug with server PHP version, now works with old PHP (less than 5.2.4) too - unexpected error T_function() fixed  7.4.2014 - Version v1.6 + Fixed pagination bug on listing page  6.3.2014 - Version v1.5 + Fixed adding background image trough Visual Composer page builder  5.30.2014 - Version v1.4 + Fixed spacing between Visual Composer elements.  5.15.2014 - Version v1.3 + Fixed scroll bug. + Fixed some issues with contact form. + Visual composer updated to latest version + Full support for WP 3.9.1  3.19.2014. - Carell v1.1 + Fixed bug with slider and search fields for iOS and Android devices + Support for all world currencies. Type in currency symbol like £ € ¥ $ etc. + Added option to choose the location of the currency symbol ( after or before the price ). + Added phrases to the translate. + Added custom thousands separator. + Added option to disable map on the contact page. + Added sortability feature to Make/Model City/City Part fields in admin section.  2.25.2014. - Carell v1.1 + Slider (big slider) on smaller screens and IOS/ANDROID devices bugs fixed + Main CSS bugs fixed  2.14.2014. - Carell v1.0 + Main Release   


Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/carell-real-estate-car-dealership-wp-theme/6811488?WT.oss_phrase=&WT.oss_rank=1...
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