9.26.2014 - Version v1.6 + Visual & Carell WP bug with couple of elements fixed 8.4.2014 - Version v1.6 + Fixed bug with server PHP version, now works with old PHP (less than 5.2.4) too - unexpected error T_function() fixed
8.4.2014 - Version v1.7 + Fixed bug with server PHP version, now works with old PHP (less than 5.2.4) too - unexpected error T_function() fixed 7.4.2014 - Version v1.6 + Fixed pagination bug on listing page 6.3.2014 - Version v1.5 + Fixed adding background image trough Visual Composer page builder 5.30.2014 - Version v1.4 + Fixed spacing between Visual Composer elements. 5.15.2014 - Version v1.3 + Fixed scroll bug. + Fixed some issues with contact form. + Visual composer updated to latest version + Full support for WP 3.9.1 3.19.2014. - Carell v1.1 + Fixed bug with slider and search fields for iOS and Android devices + Support for all world currencies. Type in currency symbol like £ € ¥ $ etc. + Added option to choose the location of the currency symbol ( after or before the price ). + Added phrases to the translate. + Added custom thousands separator. + Added option to disable map on the contact page. + Added sortability feature to Make/Model City/City Part fields in admin section. 2.25.2014. - Carell v1.1 + Slider (big slider) on smaller screens and IOS/ANDROID devices bugs fixed + Main CSS bugs fixed 2.14.2014. - Carell v1.0 + Main Release