Mẫu thiết kế web DESIGNER

This is a concept for a Retail eCommerce website. I have included the flow from the landing page to the individual product details. I tried to use simple and clean lines giving it a minimalistic look and feel.

Nội dung

This is a concept for a Retail eCommerce website. I have included the flow from the landing page to the individual product details. I tried to use simple and clean lines giving it a minimalistic look and feel.

Fonts used

Georgia  Arial Optimus Princeps - http://www.dafont.com/optimusprinceps.font Calibri - is a windows vista font : http://damnmachine.com/191/calibri-font-download-187kb.html

Depending on popularity of the design, I will consider creating a website template. Please enjoy.

Viva! Mike


Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/designer/60501?WT.oss_phrase=flow&WT.oss_rank=22&WT.z_author=gfunkmedia&WT.ac=s...
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