Mẫu thiết kế web DownloadShop - Sell digital goods easily, WP theme

Nội dung

RSS Changelog\

 -> Dec 18, 2013 - THEME UPDATE     - update of theme options style     Files affected: "administration/css/admin-style.css", "theme_css/editor-style.css"  -> April 17, 2013 - THEME UPDATE     - Fixes the problem to create a kustom link from slide image (since WP 3.5)     Files affected: "header.php", "functions.php"  -> January 26, 2013 - THEME UPDATE!     - You'll be able to change product thumbnail height from theme Options page     - Twitter Widget should now be working properly     Files affected: "author.php", "archive.php", "functions.php", "index.php", "search.php", "single-product.php", "single.php", "options.php", "taxonomy.php"      "administration/theme_widgets.php"      "theme_css/theme_css_appendix.css", "theme_css/style.php"  -> December 25, 2012 - THEME UPDATE!     Files affected: "author.php", "functions.php", "orders_overview.php", "sofa_R2D2.php"  -> March 29, 2012 - THEME UPDATE!     Files affected: "author.php"  -> April 06, 2012 - THEME UPDATE!     Files affected: "author.php", "header.php"  

Sofa DownloadShop WordPress theme is made to allow users to sell digital goods. What kind of digital goods? Any kind! As long as file for sale is kept (uploaded) as ZIP archive you can be safe. It means that you can easily sell stock photos, fonts, videos, templates, software, icons – whatever you like.

Payments are supposed to be made via PayPal and all of purchased files are immediately available for download straight from user’s private page. Of course, registration is a MUST and only verified payments (verified by PayPal) will generate required file download link(s).

Files for sale are uploaded/managed from Product Add/Edit screen (WordPress Admin) and multiple versions of a single Product can be added. It means that, if you are about to sell stock photos, one photo can be sold in more than one resolution while each resolution can be priced accordingly.


Wanna read theme Manuals before purchase?
Check it out here!

Sofa DownloadShop demo
Check it out here!

This theme hasn’t been tested with right-to-left text orientation!


Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/downloadshop-sell-digital-goods-easily-wp-theme/1931812?WT.oss_phrase=webshop&W...
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