Version 1.4 – September 27, 2014. * Revolution Slider update * New mobile layout * In AJAX OFF mode content didn't appear in mobile mode in some cases * In some cases the content below menu and icons didn't appear in AJAX OFF mode * In AJAX ON mode menu didn't appear in some cases on first visit * Documentation update * In some cases if page opening speed was above 1s then google maps did not load properly * In progress: 1-click demo import, new ajax engine to give wider support for external scripts
Version 1.3 – May 8, 2014. * Added WP tagline as meta description in the header * In some cases a page was appeared for a second on site load * In a certain resolution (~1024x768) the site appeared bad * Mp3 player fix, if tp-shortcodes plugin is not activated * In some cases BG slider didn't create its table on theme activation * Revolution slider is updated (also its documentation) * Disabled revslider update activation message in admin to avoid misunderstandings * Post sharing URL fix /content-single.php/ * Mobile view - contact form cutting off issue fix * In responsive OFF mode there was a space below the sidebar * In admin the background slider now lists all posts * Documentation update
Version 1.2 – March 5, 2014. * Background slider fade speed fix (in AJAX mode) * Portfolio shortcode implode() error fix * Portfolio: option to open image or view the post * The post titles became links in full posts page template * Masonry blog: title color changes on post hover * If user clicks on category/tag/archive in masonry blog, posts will be loaded in masonry blog style * Shortcode generator fixes * News shortcode: now you can also display post thumb * Updated documentation * Revolution Slider has been updated to v4.2.2 * Toggle shortcode: now you can make them open on start * Video in background slider: unfortunately the tests showed serious performance issues in AJAX mode when videos were loaded. Due to user experience I had to cancel this feature. In non-AJAX mode it worked acceptable, maybe I'll add it to Empire I. later. * In progress: new better mobile layout and experience
Version 1.1 – February 6, 2014. * Navigation ID name fix (if you didn't name your menu to "main" the AJAX page loading didn't work correctly) * Active menu custom color fix * Gallery close button fix * In AJAX mode if a link is placed to a local file (jpg, pdf, etc.) it now opens properly * Google Map loading issue in AJAX mode * Empty mobile homepage fix * Blog page setup fix (Setting - Reading - Posts page setting issue) * Requested: new pricing table shortcode * Requested: blog page template showing full posts * In progress: video option for background slider (for request), option in portfolio to open image in popup (for request)