Esy App is a one page mobile app company portfolio website that can also be adapted to other portfolio and team based portfolio websites. It features a unique design with smooth page to page transitions, ultra responsive design, drag and drop builder and very intuitive theme options panel.
With it’s many features and user-friendly admin page you can create a stunning and attractive website.
----- Version 1.6 - October 13, 2014 ----- New - Ability to change popup contact title within theme options New - Ability to turn on/off top header within theme options New - Timeline button - now easily turn on/off button, change button text, pick default/hover color states, add url New - New page to page load transitions now with 18 new transition styles to pick from Updated - Tested and included latest Revolution Slider v4.6+ Updated - Documentation and installation videos Improved - Faster installation, no longer required to import theme options settings Fixed - Wrapping issues in the Benefits section when titles are too long Fixed - Issue with initial page transition effect taking too long to display content Fixed - Timeline formatting issue
----- Version 1.5 - August 15, 2014 ----- Fixed - Issue with timeline entries not aligning correctly Fixed - Address wrapping within contact section Fixed - Error related to metabox when creating a child-theme. Modified file functions.php New - Add/remove as many timeline entries as you want for more control New - Timeline is now mobile responsive New - Added controls within theme options to target the navigation button color and text
----- Version 1.4 - August 07, 2014 ----- New - Added feature to add custom button text and link inside pricing tables Fixed - Expanded menu on mobile not having a background color Fixed - Removed unnecessary borders that were appearing throughout sections and pages Fixed - Few minor css styling issues Fixed - social share icons still appearing even if no link existed
----- Version 1.3 - August 04, 2014 ----- New - theme-option.txt file no longer needed as it's worked into demo-data.xml file New - Now able to change background color for Our Apps section within theme options New - Ability to change the navigation button text and color within theme options Fixed - Added transparent background to pricing hover states
----- Version 1.2 - August 03, 2014 ----- New - Ability to turn on/off and set the opacity level over the navigation menu Fixed - Clicking on navigation made page scroll a bit past its target section Fixed - Background colors for navigation, footer, and body were not taking effect over the blog pages
----- Version 1.1 - July 30, 2014 ----- Fixed: Minor fixes due to latest v2.1 MailChimp for WordPress Lite plugin Updated: Minor additions to documentation Updated: Slider Revolution to latest v4.5.95 Updated: Visual Composer to latest v4.2.3 Updated: Contact Form7 compatibility with latest v3.9+
----- Version 1.0 - July 28, 2014 ----- Initial release