This theme purchase was easily the best decision I’ve ever made for the maintenance of my blog. I could kiss you for visual composer!
- JustMiss
Purchased!! Work in progress, this is my first time using wordpress and buying a theme. Easy to use and the theme support is great.
- mdelsing06
Awesome theme and awesome support, really![]()
- iddeo
Great theme and fantastic support!
- ralphjhendry
Just bought the theme a couple of days ago and I’ve been able to customise it quite easily considering I’m not too used to wordpress: Really happy with the result, support is also quite attentive and efficient.
- maskara007
Example is an advanced multi-purpouse portfolio Theme. Easy to setup, enhanced with Massive Panel, Visual Composer and custom shortcode wizard. This combination makes creating content extremely easy.
04/10/2014 - Version 1.0.9 - UPDATED: Compatibility with Wordpress 4.0 - UPDATED: Visual Composer 4.3.4 20/05/2014 - Version 1.0.8 - UPDATED: Compatibility with Wordpress 3.9 - UPDATED: Visual Composer - FIXED: Shortcodes button in text editor - FIXED: Left sidebar at lower resolution - FIXED: Icons bug 31/01/2014 - Version 1.0.7 - fixed roles check 30/01/2014 - Version 1.0.6 - improved Google Webfonts panel - fixed CSS animations 10/01/2014 - Version 1.0.5 - Visual Composer 3.7.4 - Portfolio Gallery fix - improved gallery posts creation 08/10/2013 - Version 1.0.4 - Visual Composer 3.6.13 - small fixes 10/08/2013 - Version 1.0.3 - new version of Visual Composer - fixed WP 3.6 issues 10/05/2013 - Version 1.0.2 - categories overlap fixed - sidebar overlap fixed - sort by category + sidebar fixed - flickr widget width fixed - 404 page fixed 29/04/2013 - Version 1.0.1 - iPhone responsive issue fix - menu fix 25/04/2013 - v1.0 - release
Thank you for purchasing one of our products, We really appreciate it! To get the best support possible please visit our support system. Emails, tweets and comments containing support question may be ignored, please use the support system.
Jakob Eirich, Ian Josephson, Richard Mosse, Victoria Shamisova, Laheff H, Andrey Gordeev, michaelrisch, Paulo Henrique Storch, Phil Knott.