Expert Multipurpose Joomla responsive template is going to be a tremendous edition to your corporate business, blog, personal portfolio, small business sites and various other services that you do using web. Expert is powered by T3 framework, which is featured with bootsrap 3 in core. One of the attractive features of Expert is that it has 14 different home page layouts for specific purposes of use. Using core joomla component along with some extreme user friendly extensions, we tried to bring Expert to have the greatest experience that you found ever in joomla templates.
Expert Multipurpose Joomla responsive template is going to be a tremendous edition to your corporate business, blog, personal portfolio, small business sites and various other services that you do using web. Expert is powered by T3 framework, which is featured with bootsrap 3 in core. One of the attractive features of Expert is that it has 14 different home page layouts for specific purposes of use. Using core joomla component along with some extreme user friendly extensions, we tried to bring Expert to have the greatest experience that you found ever in joomla templates.
14 diffrent home page with diffrent layout
Let’s have a quick look on features that Expert possesses:
- Joomla 3.x supported
- T3 framework powered,
- Bootstrap 3 in core,
- Extreme user friendly layout builder,
- Fully responsive,
- Rtl/Ltr language supported,
- Cross browser passed,
- Multilingual supported,
- Mega menu, offcanvus menu for small devices, sticky menu when scrolling down,
- CSS3 animations,
- Unite revolution slider (latest version) integrated,
- Extended Joomla com_component with extra field features,
- Joomla content component for- featured articles, archived articles, single article, category blog articles and single article
- Easy to use template manager for- less to css compiling, responsive layout builder option, date formatting option for article, megamenu creating, megamenu hover effect, offcanvus menu hover effect, submenu hover effects and much more.
- User friendly thememagic tools to change front end link color, text color, body background colors etc.
- Simple to use hipposhortcodes for- tab, accordion, skill showing with pie chart format, bootstrap 3 grid columns, fontawesome 4 icons, extended flaticons, video from youtube and vimeo.
- Ready to use blogs in 1/2/3/4 columns, blog pages with side bar modules such as- recent post, popular post, search in blog, blog categories, archived articles, related articles, who’s online, popular tag module.
- Single blog with user comments/user rating,
- Ready to use news page to show featured news, related news, latest news, most read.
- Multiple home page layouts for different purposes of use- doctor/clinic, hotel, travel, plumber, lawyer, yoga/gym club, food sellers, restaurant, laundry, solar service providers, financial advice providers and much more.
- Specialized restaurant features to show -food menu item list by category, food menu item details with price/customer review/customer ratings, food menu categories on sidebar
- Multiple innerpages: about us/about me, service style1/style2, portfolio style1/style2, gallery 2/3 columns, contact pages along with individual contact information page, pricing etc.
- User components for : login, registration, user profile editing, user password settings etc.
- Iframe wrapper to show live site
- Google map: BT google map
- User contact form: SP quick contact form
- Social share link with icons: SP social
- Roksprocket component to show portfolio in mosaic and grid effects, client’s reviews, feature slideshow
- Animated icons, colored icons
- Lastly: we’re ready to support our clients instantly