Mẫu thiết kế web Exposure - Simple portfolio

Exposure is a unique blogger template with tons of unique feature which you will not find in any other blogger template. Its unique features include:-

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Exposure is a unique blogger template with tons of unique feature which you will not find in any other blogger template. Its unique features include:-

Exposure comes in compatible with the unique thumbnail cropper tool. The tool helps you to easily crop image pixels, which then are used for the thumbnails being displayed on homepage.

This helps you to easily clean up your homepage look by organizing thumbnail pixels and preventing images to look blurry or compressed.

The tool can be found at http://jdsans.net/extras/crop/index.php

Theme incorporates a gallery structure with automatic thumbnail creation, truncation for long titles and truncated summary Exposure uses the theme homepage layout efficiently with only your posts in the display section and sidebar being hidden. This gives more exposure to your posts and cleans your homepage layout.


Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/exposure-simple-portfolio/5134225?WT.oss_phrase=blogger&WT.oss_rank=47&WT.z_aut...
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