Mẫu thiết kế web Finely - Responsive Under Construction Template

Finely is a simple and minimalist under construction template, which cuts back on all the clutter – leaving only the basic elements.

Nội dung

Finely is a simple and minimalist under construction template, which cuts back on all the clutter – leaving only the basic elements.

It features a minimal design, centred around squares and thin (‘fine’) lines.

Finely, however, is only deceptively simple. It still includes all of the extra features such as a subscribe form, about us section and contact forms – all accessible through the easy to use and set up page system.

Also included is the standard social icons (easily customisable), a jQuery countdown, working AJAX subscribe (including Mailchimp support) and contact forms, a background image slider and also a YouTube video background. Finely is also fully responsive – tailored to work on almost any device or screen size.

As with all our items, Finely is very simple to set up and customise – aided by our dedicated support service.

Please note: this is an HTML Template not a Wordpress theme – it won’t work with Wordpress.

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Contact Cosmic Labs Support

We understand what it feels like to purchase a template then get stuck – we’ve all been there. That’s why we put extra effort into providing good, detailed documentation – and when this isn’t enough, a stellar support service. As much time, care and dedication is put into our support service as it is into our items themselves.

We always reply to your questions or problems, whether it’s through Themeforest comments or our support email address. As always, we respond very quickly, often within an hour or two (12 hours at the latest) – and make sure to give you all the information you need in a detailed yet clear manner.

If you need further help, keep in touch – we’ll guide you through each and every stage of setting up and customising your template, along with any other questions you may have along the way.

We’re based in the UK, so you’ll get the fastest support service roughly between the hours of 9:00 to 17:00 (GMT) – but we’ll always strive to get back to you as soon as possible, regardless of the time.

Simply get in touch at support@cosmiclabs.co.uk, and we’ll see what we can do to help you!

Change Log

 21/09/14 - v1.1.3 - Updated to Font Awesome 4.2.0  13/09/14 - v1.1.2 - Fixes browser bug regarding pre-loader animation  02/09/14 - v1.1.1 - PHP contact form improved - Bug Fixes  22/08/14 - v1.1 - Made it easier for users to use a custom GIF for the preloader  14/08/14 - v1.0 - Initial Release 


Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/finely-responsive-under-construction-template/8569924?WT.oss_phrase=&WT.oss_ran...
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