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Flatastic is a premium HTML5 template that was exclusively designed for e-commerce. It will perfectly suit for any type of online store due its modern, clean and multi-functional layout. The variety of type layouts, header and footers will make a website development process varied and flexible.
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FIXED: menu for ipad.
Version 2.3.1 – July 23rd, 2014
FIXED: anchor in the footer on the category_grid.html and category_list.html files;
Version 2.3 – June 26th, 2014
FIXED: - hover on shopping cart; - titles for the portfolio items on the portfolio pages.
Version 2.2 – May 28th, 2014
FIXED: - responsive version; - active menu item; - share icons; - Firefox issue. ADDED: - Alert message for old IE versions.
Version 2.1 – April 17th, 2014
FIXED: - the shopping cart block in the headers; - social side blocks (Join Us on Facebook, Latest Tweets, Contact Us, Store Location) are not scrolled now with the content;
Version 2.0 – April 10th, 2014
ADDED: - CORPORATE STYLE; - 10 PSD files; - 9 HTML files: corporate homepage, shortcodes, typography, 2 column portfolio, 3 column portfolio, 4 column portfolio, masonry portfolio, 2 variants of single portfolio post; - 5th footer;
Version 1.0 – March 24th, 2014
Initial release.