Mẫu thiết kế web FlatyShop - Responsive Multipurpose WP Theme

Nội dung

 Changelog: - Tested with WordPress 3.9.1 - Fix mobile menu in android browsers - Product listing now 100% mobile ready! - New version of revolution slider included 

The Multi-purpose Theme

FlatyShop is offers flexible options. We are seriously build it to cover almost all kind of websites, from basic to advance, from blogging to ecommerce website.

Clean & Well-Structured Code

We do our best to make sure all codes are read-able, and well structured. So any other dev can easily made changes when required

Theme Options

Some options to help your live more easier plus drag n drop page content manager, skin & sidebar manager, mega menu, etc.

One Click Demo Import

You just need to click a button to import the demo content. Easy peasy!

Revolution Slider ($19)

Revolution slider, The top seller WordPress slider plugin at codecanyon is included for free within the theme, animate anything you want.

Skin Manager

Change the theme skin is easy. Pick the best color that re-present your site, from header to footer – you can set the color in the theme settings page.

Unlimited Sidebars

Create custom sidebar, assign them to each page, post, portfolio, and product. Great features for whom need to display custom information per page/post basis.

Icon Font Manager

Upload your favourite icon font, it will available as option in any content manager’s module that support icon font. Easy peasy, just upload and you can use your own icon font!

Typography Options

Set the font for body, heading, menu and price (woocommerce product) from up to 600 google web fonts. Define the global font size and line height right from the theme options!

Flexible Layouts

Flexible layout per page and post basis, set your page/post layout into fullwidth, sidebar left or sidebar right.

Fullwidth or Boxed

Each people have different taste about web design, that’s why we let you to choose the global layout of the theme, the fullwidth or the classic boxed layout.

Page Content Manager

This theme packed with drag and drop page content manager, the tool that will help you to build custom page content in no times.

Mega Menu

Custom mega menu with drag and drop content management plugin is included. Super easy to use, and mobile ready.

Custom Post Types

FlatyShop provide some custom post types. Portfolio, Testimonials, Pricing Table and Mega Menus. Set your footer layout from up to 35 column variations, or for simple website you can completely turn off this area.

Responsive & Mobile Ready

This theme have responsive layout and has been tested on various mobile and tablet devices.

Woocommerce Ready

Build your own online shop with Woocommerce and FlatyShop. Upload your product, set up the settings and start earn!

Ready to translate

Original .pot, .po and .mo files included. For theme support request, please post your question or problem in the item comment section. I will try to respond ASAP within 24 hours or less (from monday – friday).



Daniele Zedda, Terence S. Jones, Terence S. Jones, Burning Image, Pink Sherbet Photography, VinothChandar, VinothChandar, VinothChandar, VinothChandar, Thomas Leuthard, Thomas Leuthard, Thomas Leuthard, martinak15, Bhumika.B, Thomas Leuthard, Pink Sherbet Photography, http://www.flickr.com/photos/jaqian/94198360/, http://www.flickr.com/photos/msvg/5544222319/, http://www.flickr.com/photos/chelsea_nj/8063568165/, http://www.flickr.com/photos/feliperocha/3247390178/, http://www.flickr.com/photos/hills_alive/5450605298/, http://www.flickr.com/photos/mkhmarketing/8468788107/, http://www.flickr.com/photos/sapphir3blu3/3234676545/, http://www.flickr.com/photos/ajourneyroundmyskull/3634503224/, http://www.flickr.com/photos/formatbrain_/2520489651/, http://www.flickr.com/photos/formatbrain_/2370143108/, http://www.flickr.com/photos/tommy_pariah/3563714640/, http://www.flickr.com/photos/formatbrain_/2047291550/, http://www.flickr.com/photos/formatbrain_/1439718769/, crazywool, renaissancechambara, Lori H. Designs, Diloz, queenbeeofbeverlyhills, imjoshdotcom, Originalrocket, normanack, ljguitar, deltaMike, Wickerfurniture, Wickerfurniture, Wickerfurniture, KDL Designs.
Other images that not listed here are purchased from Photodune.net

Javascript and Font
  1. jQuery
  2. jQuery Easing Plugin
  3. jQuery Transit
  4. Modernizr
  5. Elevate Zoom
  6. idangerous.swiper.js
  7. jQuery.browser.mobile.js
  8. isotope (commercial version)
  9. icomoon


Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/flatyshop-responsive-multipurpose-wp-theme/7376612?WT.oss_phrase=&WT.oss_rank=1...
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