Mẫu thiết kế web Folkin-Creative/Corporate Html5/Css3 Landing Page

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Folkin is a HTML Landing Page, perfect to show all your works to way simple and easy.

Folkin is a website easy to use, this template can also be used for business websites and portfolios . The CSS and design is flexible, easy to customize and modify. is a unique design based on Bootstrap, is sensitive and is consistent with a wide range of mobile devices.



  • Version 1.02–13/12/2013
  • Version 1.01–29/08/2013
  • Version 1.0 – 13/08/2013
  • Sources and Credits

    Demo Icons
    Demo images


    if you have any question or you need support , please post your questions or suggestions in item’s discussion board or email us at jdrendon@imaginacionweb.net

    We usually get back within 24 hours . We try to give our customers the best support posiible . Please if you need any help , let us know.


    Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/folkincreativecorporate-html5css3-landing-page/5366566?WT.oss_phrase=&WT.oss_ra...
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