Food & Cook is your Multipurpose Wordpress Theme, sharing recipes and cooking tips can’t get any easier than this. With Beautiful and Clean design its a Perfect display for your food catalogue. Choose your favorite layout ! 6 home layouts and 3 recipe layouts Included to your Satisfaction ! Not only the look, we do care about flexibility, Food & Cook allow you to build your own shop, choose custom background, edit layout system even your 404 page, allow your readers to submit their dish and build your recipe database together. Food & Cook The Most Complete Theme Ever !! The bang for your bucks.
You can contact us directly in our theme forest comment area or Email us at dahzinfo[at]
please note that our customer care is available daily from 9am – 6pm GMT+7 year-round.
2.4.2 ( 02.05.2014 ) * NEW FEATURE^ Add Media Uploader to theme customizer user can upload via media library 2.4.1 ( 01.05.2014 ) * Fixed template-blog-elegant.php * Fixed translated text comments.php * Update Translation 2.4 ( 28.04.2014 ) * Added Customizer Option Settings * Fixed bugs media uploader from theme options * Fixed theme-js.php * Fixed sidebar-init.php * Fixed theme-options.php * Fixed theme-functions.php * Fixed theme-actions.php * CHANGE^ relocated some options from theme options to customizer settings * Update Revolution Slider 4.3.8 2.3 * Added New Options Author Link (theme-options.php) * Fixed Author Shortcode ( theme-shortcode.php ) * Fixed Post Content ( loop-blog.php, loop-blog-elegant.php ) * Fixed Recipe Content ( loop-recipe.php, loop-recipelist ) * Fixed Author Content ( author.php, template-author.php ) * Update Revolution Slider 4.3.5 2.2 * Woocommerce 2.1.x ready * Fixed theme-woocommerce.php * Fixed all files on folder woocommerce * Fixed theme-actions.php * Fixed theme-functions.php * Fixed theme-options.php * Fixed Rating Recipe (rating.php) * Fixed Recipe Content (content-recipe.php, content-recipelist.php, single-recipe.php) * Fixed Comments (comments.php) * Fixed widget recipe (recent-recipe-sidebar-widget.php) * Update Revolution Slider 4.3.3 * Remove Plugin Categories Images 2.1 * Fixed Shortcode Generator * Fixed Filter pre_get_post * Fixed CSS * Fixed Typography on F&C Theme Options * Added Meta Recipe on Recipe List Template 2.0 * Support WP 3.8 * Added Woocommerce Wishlist Button * Added MegaMenu * Added Shortcode Button on Editor * Added youtube or vimeo in single recipe * Added Optional Retina For Logo * Added Category recipe image and description * Improve Woocommerce Product Carousel can Swipe & MouseScroll * Change Sidebar Generator to plugin theme package * Update Revolution Slider Plugin 4.1.3 * Update .po/.mo file in Lang Folder * Fixed Single Recipe Image * Fixed Microdata Google Rich Snippets (using * Fixed RSS feed for Recipe * Update Documentation 1.0.7 *Fix Search Engine and Tags Issues. 1.0.6 *Loop Taxonomy *Double author logic *short-code issues *updating .po/.mo file in Lang Folder 1.0.5 *Fixed PAGINATION on BLOG & RECIPE section *Fixed Facebook API *Fixed social icon complete set *Add Options Rating for Recipe *Update .po/.mo file in Lang Folder 1.0.4 *Fixed navigation layout dropdown *Fixed theme styling options *Fixed landscape/potrait mode on mobile device *Fixed shortcode recipe grid bugs *Fixed Issues Footer Widgets *Add additional attribute in recipe shortcode *Add TGM Plugins Installer *Add recipe styling *Add Sidebar Manager *Add .po/.mo file in Lang Folder *Update Documentation *Update Revolution Slider 1.0.3 *Fixed theme-options.php *Fixed theme-actions.php *Fixed theme-functions.php *Fixed theme-shortcodes.php 1.0.2 *Added PSD Layers *Added More Widget * Fixed Style/Layout css * Fixed Responsive IPad 1.0.1 *Added Advanced Search *Fixed Minor Bugs Single Recipe Taxonomy * Fixed woocommerce Single Column 1.0 First Release