Mẫu thiết kế web Freshmail, Responsive Email with Template Editor

Drag & drop, add, remove, arrange modules easily. Customize the color schemes, edit both text and image content. Download it in .zip file contain regular HTML and image files

Nội dung

Freshmail in MailChimp powerful editor
Freshmail in Campaign Monitor powerful editor
Freshmail in MyMail plugin powerful editor
Short video – Freshmail in iPhone inbox

Drag and Drop Theme Builder / Editor

Drag & drop, add, remove, arrange modules easily. Customize the color schemes, edit both text and image content. Download it in .zip file contain regular HTML and image files

MailChimp Ready

Add & remove modules or hide elements, easily with MailChimp editor.
You can also set the theme color directly via MailChimp editor.
There’s a detailed insruction from how to upload and setup template in to your MailChimp account, customize it, up to sending & testing email.

Campaign Monitor Ready

Add or remove modules easily with Campaign Monitor editor.
There’s also a detailed insructions (including video) from how to upload and setup template in to your
Campaign Monitor account,customize it, up to sending & testing email.

MyMail WP Plugin Ready

Add or remove modules easily with MyMail plugin editor.
You can also set the theme color directly via the editor. There’s also a detailed insructions (including video) from how to upload and setup template
in to your WordPress website, customize it, up to sending & testing email.

What you’ll get in the download package:

Compatible Browsers:


Update history

Update 2.0 October 22, 2014

 - Major code updates on all template version - Added a free access to our new template builder / editor 

Update 1.5 / November 12 2013:

 - Improved MyMail templates version. Added the ability to automatic grab the blog post to newsletter content. 

Update 1.4 / November 08 2013:

 - Fix minor issue on MyMail templates version 

Update 1.3 November 06 2013:

 - Added MyMail plugin ready templates 

Update 1.2 – October 28, 2013

- Major codes update for email clients compatibility and mobile responsive. 

pdate 1.1 – July 24, 2013

 - Added better MailChimp and Campaign Monitor integration (with their powerful editor) - Improved codes for responsive target 

Support requests

For support related, please send me your support request / question, or any advice via this contact form. I will respond you usually within 24 hours in Monday – Friday.


Font awesome icons
Thanks to CanYigit for allowing me use his portfolio images in live preview.
Images on the demo are not included on the download package, replaced with placeholder images.


Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/freshmail-responsive-email-with-template-editor/4734953?WT.oss_phrase=&WT.oss_r...
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