Mẫu thiết kế web Geist - Responsive Flat Animated Ghost Theme

Geist is a ghost theme which is developed with the mobile first approach and it is full responsive to provide a great reading experience even on the smallest device.

Nội dung

Geist is a ghost theme which is developed with the mobile first approach and it is full responsive to provide a great reading experience even on the smallest device.

geist is responsive Be sure to check out the awesome animation when you hover over the background

Documentation: http://geist.slemgrim.com/documentation/


This theme convinces with its passion for detail, stunning flat design and subtle but eye-catching animations. To leave you as much freedom as possible, we made Geist easy to customize and gave you some options. For example: you can deactivate various animations.


Since tastes differ, we also wanted to back you up with different color-schemes!

geist is responsive

Background animation:

A special feature of this theme is a particle effect that triggers when you hover over the background.

One step ahead:

Our design went so far, that we even considered some features that ghost doesn’t support yet (such as tables and forms) to create a matching design throughout the future versions of ghost.


Note: Stock images not included!


v1.1.0 – 12/31/13



Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/geist-responsive-flat-animated-ghost-theme/6372786?WT.oss_phrase=&WT.oss_rank=9...
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