Mẫu thiết kế web Guesthouse - Hotel & Sport Center 2in1 Premium Theme

You can use it for any Hotel, Bed and Breakfast, Guest House, Hostel, Campsites or any Sport Center offering Golf, Tennis, Squash – anything you can think of. Both Rooms module and Sports module can be renamed directly in our admin panel therefore you can use this theme for ANY simple reservations website. Rooms and Sports can be easily administered via our admin panel. Theme will automatically generate nice page for every room or sport. All rooms will automatically go into slider. What more, customers will be able to use simple order form to send enquiry to the hotel or sport center directly from the website. Theme has very clean design that can be easily changed to your needs using our premium admin panel. What more, we’ve created bunch of free skins, that can be downloaded from our website. Skins can be uploaded directly via our admin panel and you have different look and feel in seconds!

Nội dung

Guesthouse Version 2 is a specialized wordpress theme for Hospitality Sector and Sport Centres or any other website that needs reservations.

You can use it for any Hotel, Bed and Breakfast, Guest House, Hostel, Campsites or any Sport Center offering Golf, Tennis, Squash – anything you can think of. Both Rooms module and Sports module can be renamed directly in our admin panel therefore you can use this theme for ANY simple reservations website. Rooms and Sports can be easily administered via our admin panel. Theme will automatically generate nice page for every room or sport. All rooms will automatically go into slider. What more, customers will be able to use simple order form to send enquiry to the hotel or sport center directly from the website. Theme has very clean design that can be easily changed to your needs using our premium admin panel. What more, we’ve created bunch of free skins, that can be downloaded from our website. Skins can be uploaded directly via our admin panel and you have different look and feel in seconds! ;)

Theme fully supports WPML Translation Plugin which allows you to create a website in any language.

New Features in Version 2:

Theme is built on our robust MVC framework that means that HTML design is completely separated from other PHP! Making updates cannot be easier. Template & MVC framework will be under continuous improvement. Purchase the theme and get all updates for free.

Guesthouse Wordpress Theme comes also with customer support and after purchase service. We’ll do our best to answer all of your questions in a professional manner. Purchase this theme with confidence knowing that we’ll always be here to answer all of your questions.

Main features are:

What will you also get?



Have you created nice website with this theme? Let us know! :)

Background color combinations included in the package:

White, grey, black, light blue, dark blue, light green, purple, gold and yellow. You can easily replace the background image in order to get other colors like red and violet as well.

GuestHouse Template can be used for any hospitality business:

Hotel, hospitality, Bed and Breakfast, B&B, Restaurant, travel & tourism, food & drinks, guset house, manor, resort, camping, campsite, hostel, blog and many more. Bundled offer, two sites sport and hotel in this bundle.

Note: Images used on our demo sites are proprietary images and are not included in the theme package.

Wordpress Theme by AitThemes.com


Nguồn: themeforest.net/item/guesthouse-hotel-sport-center-2in1-premium-theme/1453399?WT.oss_phrase=travel%2...
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